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☆ 20. Chapter 20 Long-Term Contracts

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Chapter 20 The long-term contract

was bought in the third round, but Gu Zhongjing was not so happy, Chu Yan finally ignored him and was messed up by himself, only full of chagrin was left, where can he still be happy.

He returned to the orphanage in a hurry, didn't want to eat, said hello to the dean and rode a small three-wheeler to Liujia Village.

The ten acres of land at the foot of the mountain belonged to Liu Cheng's family in the village, and Liu Cheng's family was a wealthy family in the village, and there were several houses in Wucheng District.

It's just that his family's land is not fertile, and it is leaning on Liuming Mountain, and the stream on the mountain is flowing through the middle of the field, and it will flood into the field every rainy season, so this land has not been contracted

out for several years.

Since Gu Zhongjing has contracted here, he is not afraid of the fields being flooded, anyway, he rents this land for cover, and when he makes enough money, he will find someone to drain the stream, and when the time comes

, plug a pond or something, isn't it beautiful?

The plan is like this, yes, but unfortunately the ideal always loses to the reality, and he is still honestly pulling the grass and plowing the ground.

It is not easy to turn over these ten acres of land, how can Gu Zhongjing waste time, he started tidying up that night, when he was tired and hungry, he went into the space to rest for seven or eight hours and then ate something

, came out and continued to work, and so on several times, Gu Zhongjing finally stopped.

It's not that he doesn't want to finish the land at once, but the main thing is that the land has been turned over on the first day of the contract is too conspicuous.

It's better to be cautious, just like Li Yu's matter, to put it bluntly, it's a trivial matter, obviously you don't have to act like a spy joint, but Gu Zhongjing is so natural that he likes everything to be under control and be

cautious, which makes him so nervous.

This will be Gu Zhongjing's base camp in the future, and he will naturally be more cautious.

Four hours have passed outside, and it has been four days in the space, and the ten acres of land have also been turned over by four acres, so I will continue to work on it tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

If the village chief comes to ask, he will say that he has paid for someone, as long as he is not too conspicuous, these are not problems.

Gu Zhongjing, who rode back to the orphanage on a small tricycle, was already very tired, although Liujia Village was close to here, it was still a little troublesome to come back to live every night.

He thought that when he had enough money, he would build a hut at the foot of the mountain, so that he would not have to run back and forth every day when he lived there, and he could look at the land by the way, in case of thieves or something.

I took a shower, went into the space, picked some of each of the ripe vegetables, put them in a big basket, and put them in the kitchen.

Since there were more types of dishes in Gu Zhongjing's space, Gu Zhongjing would put a basket in the kitchen every day, and he wholesaled the words in the courtyard, and the price was more than half

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