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☆ 37. Chapter 34: Gangsters

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Chapter 34 Gangster

Gu Zhongjing was not surprised after listening to Gu Zhongjing's words, after all, during this time, he also made medicinal food in the courtyard every one or two days.

There are too many people to do fine, so they just stew chicken and duck and stew pork ribs, and it has been ten days in a row to eat, and the changes in the courtyard are called big.

The dean's silver hair was found to be already black and shiny, and although Aunt Ali had short hair and didn't look as good as the dean's long hair, it was almost the same, it was all black, shiny, supple and fast.

Children used to wake up in the middle of the night and cry endlessly, but now it's different, not to mention the children, even a few adults have good sleep quality, and there is no problem at all when they sleep in the morning.

Now Aunt Ali and her husband take care of the children as if they were playing, and they will not be tired at all.

The dean had been taking care of Xiao Ming in the hospital a few days ago, but since Xiao Ming got better and better after taking the medicinal diet, she had already returned with Xiao Ming after being discharged from the hospital with the permission of the doctor.

Now Xiao Ming is still sick and weak with heart disease, and he is full of energy every day to play with his friends in the hospital, and if he doesn't stare at it, he has to run away.

The dean also asked Gu Zhongjing if the medicinal herbs that were given to them every day were very expensive, and why did the medicinal effect be so good? Let him be shameless and waste money, and what do you do with eating those old bones.

Gu Zhongjing told her that she planted them all by herself, and the seeds didn't cost a few yuan, let alone eating them, it didn't matter if they were thrown away for fun.

Since then, the dean has never saved, he can eat as much as he wants, and if he can't eat, he feeds the chickens and ducks, so the quality of the chickens and ducks in the courtyard is also better.

The dean has always had a smile on his face since Gu Zhongjing came back, this child has grown up and knows filial piety, how can she not be happy.

Thinking of what Gu Zhongjing said at the beginning that he wanted to stay and take care of them, he really did it, look at the changes in the courtyard now, the children can get whatever they want to eat every day, not to mention what they wear, Gu Zhongjing directly stuffed money to the dean and asked her to buy two new clothes for the children every month.

Now the children in the orphanage, except for the lack of parents, they are no worse than other children.

One by one, they are confident, they will no longer hunch over when they walk, they dare to perform in school, and they are becoming better and better.

And these are all brought by Gu Zhongjing, he has only been back for three or four months, and he has brought such a big change, and the dean feels a lot every time he thinks about it.

said that these were all far away, so he said that Qi Lao's side, he was anxious to buy more medicinal materials, and Gu Zhongjing naturally didn't take Qiao: "I still have twenty catties of wolfberries here, and He Shou Wu still has thirty-eight trees, are you either?" Gu

Zhongjing didn't lie, there are really only so many medicines in his space that are a little longer now, after all, the courtyard is also consuming, and he has planted less, I am afraid that if there are too many seeds, he will not be able to sell them for the time being, and the medicine will not be able to be rounded for a longer and longer period.

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