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☆ 72. Chapter 69: Complaint

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Chapter 69 When

the two of them returned home with two baskets full of hazelnut mushrooms, no one saw Chang Fan sleeping under the grape trellis, and walked straight past him.

It's not that they deliberately ignore it, but since the vines on the grape trellis were hung, there are often people at the table under the shelf who come to take a cool break, and there will be people sitting here every day, and after a long time, Gu Zhongjing and Chu Yan are naturally Xi to the people coming and going here, and they will not look here more.

So Chang Fan slept pitifully until eleven o'clock, and woke up in a daze and was stirred by a slightly cold autumn wind.

After waking up, I didn't know what night it was, looked at the door of Gu Zhongjing and Chu Yan's villa, and sat in a daze for a while before looking at my watch.

It's past eleven o'clock.

Where did those two go? Isn't today the day to deliver food? Why is there no one at this time? Could it be that he missed it while he was asleep?

Chang Fan couldn't help but blame himself for his snooze, how long had he waited to doze off? Why don't you sleep to death?

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but knock himself on the head, Xu is movement was a little big, and the tip of his nose seemed to smell a fragrance...

Chang Fan shrugged his nose, smelled the smell and walked to the door of Gu Zhongjing and Chu Yan's villa, and sniffed it several times, that's right, the fragrance came from the house.

These two are really too much, they have been waiting for them here all morning, and they are cooking at home!

He stretched out his hand angrily and wanted to ring the doorbell, but as soon as his hand stretched out, he came to his senses, what was he doing? Want to break your plans just to eat in one bite?

No, no, I'm here to be an undercover agent, not a tourist, Chang Fan, you should be sober!

Thinking of this, Chang Fan brushed his forehead, took a deep look at the door of the villa, and walked to the restaurant of the villa next door.

After eating lunch in a hurry, he didn't rush back to the villa, he sat at the gate of the restaurant, looking at the direction of the downhill, he felt that at two o'clock at the latest, Gu Zhongjing would definitely go out.

And after going out, whether you go to Liuqian Mountain, Liuhou Mountain or go down the mountain, you must pass the road down the mountain, which can be seen in the restaurant, and you don't have to worry about arousing Gu Zhongjing's vigilance.

Thinking so, he slowly regained a little bit of lost confidence, especially the peeking and talking about him by the girls who were dining not far away, which made him feel that as long as he was given a chance, there was no corner that he couldn't prie.

He found confidence again, and after Gu Zhongjing and Chu Yan had a delicious meal, they hugged each other and prepared to take a nap.

"Ah Jing, are you really not going to deliver food in the future?

Chu Yan said while grabbing Gu Zhongjing's big hand and rubbing his stomach.

Gu Zhongjing's big hand rubbed on Chu Yan's smooth belly. Ape. Meaning. Ma Di thought about whether to coax Chu Yan to come once, this daytime nap is a bit wasteful.

"No, the vegetables in the greenhouse can now be supplied to Quanwei Zhai, this little thing Manager Zhang can arrange, now so many pairs of eyes are staring at us, we don't need to use the space as much as possible, and we can plant some dishes you want to eat in the space in the future." "

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