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☆ 17. Chapter 17 Telephone

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Chapter 17 After eating the braised pork made by Gu Zhongjing on the phone

, all the children in the courtyard became Gu Zhongjing's brainless fans, and they never forgot to watch Dean Meng every day to ask Brother Jing when he was going to cook meat.

And Gu Zhongjing, who was nagged by them, didn't have time to cook every day, he now spent all his free time in the space, where did he have time to cook for them, but he bought candy egg

cakes several times.

According to what he agreed with Liu Guoan, Gu Zhongjing planted all the vegetables he wanted in batches, and then rented a warehouse on the edge of the Liucheng District near the Wucheng District, collected all

the vegetables

in batches and put them in the warehouse, and asked Liu Guoan to pull them every other day.

Liu Guoan has been full of spring breeze recently, and every time they meet, they are polite, and they can't be more polite.

Quanwei Zhai in the five urban districts has been doing well recently, and the number of customers has increased several times in half a month, thanks to the variety of fresh vegetables provided by Gu Zhongjing.

The various kinds of meat that were ordered the most in the past have also changed, becoming all kinds of vegetables, and Manager Sun Qin can't close his mouth when he smiles every day.

At the end of each month, the major branches have to provide performance to the head office, and use this score to calculate the dividends of each store manager, the better the business in the store, the more dividends Sun Qin has, how can he not be happy


What made him happiest was that the boss Qi Huiyang also seemed to be concerned about the situation in the Wucheng District branch, and asked Assistant Lian to call here, saying that he would come here

to inspect in a few days.

Therefore, Sun Qin vigorously instructed Liu Guoan not to lose Gu Zhongjing, the god of wealth, if such a good vegetable supplier loses him, where can he find another one?

Sometimes, though, he thinks that if only he could find a meat supplier of the same quality, his branch will definitely outperform the others.

But come to think of it, it's already thankful to be able to find vegetables of such good quality, how can there be meat of the same quality?

Gu Zhongjing didn't know about the situation of Quanwei Zhai, but he was very confident in the dishes produced by the space, and there would never be a matter of the merchant unsubscribing from the supplier, so he didn't go to

the vegetable market again, and just concentrated on running the restaurant well.

Supplying too many homes will not do him any good, not to mention, it will also expose that he does not have a fixed vegetable wholesale land now, and the matter of space must not be exposed, once exposed, no matter how much money he makes,

he will not be able to recover his loss.

Now that there is a channel to make money, Gu Zhongjing is ready to quit his job in the café, not to mention the low salary here, he is still tired, he can already make more money if he has this time.

The reason why he has been staying in the café is that he has always been worried about Manager Zhang's favor, and the original reminder has always been in his heart, and staying here for a while can be regarded as reciprocating

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