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☆ 15. Chapter 15: Cabbage

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Chapter 15 Little Chinese Cabbage

Quanwei Zhai is a very famous Chinese restaurant, there are many branches in the country, there are seven in City A alone, the head office is in the inner city of City A, it is said that the chef in the head office is from

the family of imperial chefs, and the dishes made by the people who have eaten the taste are full of praise.

The business of each branch is not too much, and the daily turnover is amazing, after all, you can't book a seat in the main store, but you can always book a seat in the branch.

Sun Qin, the manager of the Wucheng District Branch, is an observant person, and he usually walks around the store to listen to the customer's evaluation of the taste of the food, and today is no exception.

Then he found out that there was a name that was mentioned today with a lot of words.

"This little cabbage tastes good, it has a sweet taste, and the stalk is not soft, so it tastes good. "

Waiter, serve me another cabbage in soup."

"Lao Yang, why do I eat this little cabbage fried almond mushroom that tastes better than yesterday?" The cabbage is sweet and sweet, how do you feel when you eat it? "

It's better than yesterday, a little bit of the smell of when I was a child, I should have collected it from the countryside."

"Would you like another one?" "

Let's have another serving, I'm eating well." "

Mom, I still have to eat cabbage.

"Baby, no, Mom will bring you to eat again tomorrow, okay?"

"No, no, no, I'm going to eat cabbage!" "

Okay, okay, you little ancestor. Waiter, bring me another little cabbage ball soup, that's just the kind of soup.

Listening to the comments of the guests, Sun Qin was a little puzzled, shouldn't this usually be the signature dish?

When it was time to get off work, he flipped through the menu, almost every table of guests who ordered cabbage all added dishes, and his first thought was whether the chef had thought of any special

cooking method, he walked to the back kitchen in a happy mood, and praised and flattered the chef.

"Chef Lin's cooking skills are really getting more and more exquisite, and even an ordinary little cabbage can make you study a good taste, which is really admirable.


Lin was a little embarrassed by his praise and said: "Manager Sun praised the wrong person this time, this is not my credit, but the raw materials are good, and the taste of the dishes is



Sun Qin: "Raw materials? Chef

Lin: "Yes, I have been a chef for so many years, and I have never seen such a good little cabbage, and the dishes made are green and white, and they look different."

Sun Qin thought thoughtfully, said goodbye to the chef and went to the buyer.

If this dish is really so good, you can reach a long-term agreement with the vegetable farmer in the future, sometimes don't underestimate those ordinary and common dishes, if it is done well, it can attract a lot of gourmets.

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