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☆ 51. Chapter 48: Test Results

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Chapter 48 Test Results

All the inspectors, including Hong Ming, all looked more and more solemn, and as the test progressed, beef, mutton, pork, chicken, duck, fish, and all kinds of vegetables were all moved to the right little by little, which meant that the test had been completed.

The red-faced young man couldn't help but exclaim in disbelief: "This... How can it be? How can it be?


others, like him, all looked at the test data in their hands in disbelief, their shock was so obvious that the onlookers began to talk about it.

"What does that mean? Is there a problem or is there no problem?

"I look at the shocked look, is the data so bad that they don't want to believe it?

"Impossible, right? I'd rather the data was good enough to exceed their expectations. The

red-faced young man couldn't hear the outside world at all, he was so immersed in the data that he completely forgot that there were people around him, and he questioned how it was possible.

yes, how is that possible?!

People involved in the test are thinking.

Vegetable testing is basically zero pesticide residues, zero heavy metals, and various nutrients such as vitamins and water, protein, starch, sucrose, etc., all of which are more than ten times that of ordinary vegetables on the market.

There is also meat, the main test is moisture, fat, tissue status, morphology, clenbuterol, animal residues, etc., although the results of the test are not as exaggerated as vegetables, but they are basically qualified, and there is no certain content exceeding the standard.

How is this possible?!

Huan is Hong Ming is well-informed, and he can't help but rub his eyes at this moment, is this data wrong for him?

But it's impossible to be wrong about all of them, right?

He raised his eyes to look at the subordinates around him, and they were all in a trance.

Seeing that the last shiitake mushroom inspection is completed, the result is still qualified...

Hong Ming only felt that this world seemed to have become illusory in an instant, and when Qi Lao used his character to ensure that Liu Mingshan's dishes were absolutely fine, he was still a little unimpressed, just for the sake of Qi Lao's kindness at the beginning, so he was willing to risk his reputation to help Gu Zhongjing This time, but he never thought that the test result would be like this.

He pinched a large stack of materials in his hand and looked through them vigorously, but he couldn't find a single product that exceeded the standard.

The red face was shocked to the point of trance, he didn't believe it!

He felt that Gu Zhongjing must have done his tricks, otherwise why would he not exceed the standard at all, the vegetables are even ten times more effective, Gu Zhongjing must have done tricks and feet!

But thinking about it, Gu Zhongjing's every move before was all under their watchful eyes, and no one had ever entered the kitchen from beginning to end.

He wanted to say that Gu Zhongjing was useless when he did anything.

But the red-faced youth was unwilling and did not believe it. He gritted his teeth and said to Hong Ming: "Director, let's check it again, maybe the machine is wrong."

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