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☆ 33. Chapter 32: 10,000 Words Chapter 2 (1)

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Chapter 32 10,000-Character Chapter (2) (1)

Sorrow, now that the sapling has been delivered, Gu Zhongjing can't put the sapling into the space, you must know that his space flow rate is different, if he puts the sapling into the space for one day, it will be twenty-four days.

During this period, if you don't plant the saplings, they will wither even if they stay in the space, so it is better to plant them directly in the mountains.

So Gu Zhongjing simply asked people to send the saplings to the warehouse, and he rode three wheels to transport the saplings to Liuming Mountain in batches.

The warehouse is shady, and the saplings are fine if they are left here for a day or two, but if they really can't be planted, they will be planted in the space, and then they will be transplanted again.

He divided five villagers who were clearing the bushes and planted saplings with him, striving to carry out the clearing in front of him.

The villagers cleaned up quite quickly, and it took half a month to clean up all the shrubs on the mountain.

In the middle, Chu Yan and the beating children in the courtyard came back from vacation and wanted to go up the mountain to help Gu Zhongjing, but Gu Zhongjing refused.

That work was so tiring, he was reluctant to suffer from it.

The older children in the courtyard wanted them to help the dean in the courtyard to do something they could, so they didn't ask them to help.

There are a large number of villagers, they are used to doing farm work, not to mention their experience, they have a lot of strength, Gu Zhongjing also gave him a reward, and he felt at ease when he used it.

Since the roots of the shrubs are not too deep, it is not difficult to dig up, and Gu Zhongjing, who is really deep, did not let them compete, and on the whole, Gu Zhongjing is still satisfied with this speed.

He and the five villagers planted saplings slowly, basically one step behind all the time, and those saplings were planted well, but they were splashed by Gu Zhongjing through the space water.

If you don't plant it, you can't do it, one by one, Gu Zhongjing is afraid that they will die. Gu Zhongjing planted it for two days and moved the other ones that had not been planted into the space, and worked hard to stuff those saplings into the pit he dug in one night.

Anyway, what is planted in the space is lived, and there is no need to worry about whether it will be planted or not.

You don't have to care about how much Zhongjing cares about the trees in the space, calculate how much you want to plant that day every day, and go in and pull them out. Just come out and send it to Liu Mingshan.

The trouble is the wave of saplings planted on the mountain, due to the large number of people when planting trees during the day, Gu Zhongjing is not easy to water the space directly, so he can only water the water from the creek with the villagers to water them one by one.

At night, Gu Zhongjing came up the mountain alone, pointed his finger directly at the sapling and began to release water, if the scene was seen, he would definitely be frightened, Gu Zhongjing's fingers were like water pipes, and the water was bubbling out, and a tree could be watered in a minute.

The effect of the sneaky watering was obvious, and the trees not only did not change after they were planted, but slowly became energetic.

The villagers didn't think much about it, just thought that the soil of the mountain was suitable for the growth of these saplings, and only worked wholeheartedly.

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