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☆ 77. Chapter 74: The End

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Chapter 74: The End

of China. Xia's legal age of marriage is twenty years old, and Gu Zhongjing and Chu Yan have been in this world for more than two years, and when they came, Chu Yan's original body was less than eighteen, and Gu Zhongjing's original body was nineteen.

Time flies, seeing that Chu Yan is about to be twenty, Gu Zhongjing can't wait to arrange the marriage.

Obtaining the certificate is still of special significance to him and Chu Yan, when they were in their world, same-sex marriage was illegal, and it was impossible in recent decades.

Even after the end of the world, many singles choose to live together, and they have never thought of getting married, not to mention that they will be looked at differently if they are not legal, and in the eyes of most people, homosexuality still means that they do not conform to the mainstream.

And this is different, same-sex marriage has long been legal here, and there may be older generations and homophobes who will not accept it, but most people treat same-sex with normal eyes. Partner's.

On the day Gu Zhongjing and Chu Yan went to get the certificate, the weather was sunny and the haze was a little lighter than before, of course, it could be the hallucination of two guys who were in a very good mood.

When the two super handsome guys were wearing white clothes and black pants, and appeared in the Civil Affairs Bureau hand in hand, an employee of the Civil Affairs Bureau recognized the two people and thought that their eyes were dazzled.

All the way, in a trance, I watched the two of them go through the formalities with a happy smile on their faces, take wedding photos, and after taking pictures, they also watched Gu Zhongjing and couldn't help but kiss Chu Yan.

Although Chu Yan blushed, he didn't hide, but met his kiss.

When he got the two small documents, Gu Zhongjing was so moved that tears were about to fall.

He never dreamed that he would be able to marry Chu Yan one day, and thinking about those ten years, it was like a dream.

The staff didn't come to their senses until they finished taking wedding photos, and they excitedly stepped forward to take a photo with them.

Gu Zhongjing was in a good mood and was about to explode, so he naturally would not refuse their proposal, and after the group photo, he took out candy from the black backpack he had been carrying, and asked the employees of the Civil Affairs Bureau and the newcomers who received the certificate together with him to eat candy with a smile.

I didn't ask them to keep it secret or anything, and I smiled like a dog the whole time, and my eyes narrowed.

Clear-eyed people know that he is super happy now, and when he holds his newly baked little husband, the whole person seems to be glowing.

Chu Yan was the same, the phoenix eyes were no longer a cold look, and he followed Gu Zhongjing with a smile and said kind words such as thank you for everyone's blessings.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see how much they love and how happy they are, and even the couples who got married on the same day are more than one degree sweeter.

After receiving the certificates, the two left the Civil Affairs Bureau hand in hand.

Civil Affairs Bureau employees and newcomers have uploaded photos to Weibo.

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