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☆ 63. Chapter 60: Security

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Chapter 60 Security

Not to mention those appointments that allow scalpers and rich people to cut in line at will, as well as these half-baked security guards on the mountain, Gu Zhongjing has always felt that he can wait for the development on the mountain to develop and then slowly adjust.

Sanliushan is not that big, even if there are loopholes in management, he doesn't think it's a big problem, the meal is not eaten in one bite, you can take your time.

Coupled with the entanglement of interests everywhere, it is not good to get order out so quickly, so I have been pretending not to see these problems.

But the others can be said to be because they have to wait for the waist pole to be hard before they can speak, so what about the security part? Why didn't you just hire an experienced veteran to be a security guard before?

For the first time, Gu Zhongjing felt that he was really □□ pleasure, what about his previous vigilance and scheming? Did he eat it all?

He was furious, scratching at his heart and lungs with anger. However, he knew that it was all his own pot, and even his anger was not directed at those employees. After all, he left everything on the mountain to Manager Zhang and didn't care, he became the shopkeeper, and problems were inevitable.

In addition, he never thought that Sanliushan could have any big problems, and he had always been confident in his and Chu Yan's personal strength, so he felt that the role of the security guard was to open the gate under the mountain and maintain order, and ordinary strong men could do it.

He didn't expect anything to happen to such a gentle mountain as Sanliu Mountain, there is no danger on the mountain, there are no dangerous animals, and the mountain is full of surveillance, what can happen?

But he never expected that these employees would be so disobedient that no one even noticed that there was a big living person on the mountain who had fallen for so long.

Xiaodong's wrestling place isn't a corner, right? The surveillance can directly see that someone has fallen down the slope, and they haven't even noticed it, so they have to monitor the playback to know.

Gu Zhongjing is to blame for such a management omission!

These security guards must also be changed!

It was Xiaodong who was injured this time, what about next time?

Gu Zhongjing didn't want to bet on this next time, it was enough to suffer a loss once.

On the way to the hospital, Gu Zhongjing kept reflecting, and Qi Huiyang was also a little angry, and the reason for being angry was similar to Gu Zhongjing's thoughts. Xiaodong fell on the mountain, and Gu Zhongjing's employees didn't notice any of them...

But he has no position to say Gu Zhongjing, neither public nor private, Xiaodong is the younger brother who grew up with Gu Zhongjing, not a relative is better than a relative, and he is just an outsider.

So no matter how uncomfortable he was, he endured it and didn't say anything.

The two followed the ambulance all the way to the hospital, and after going through a lot of busy procedures, Gu Zhongjing and Qi Huiyang were able to see Xiaodong, who had woken up after being treated by the doctor.

Seeing Xiaodong lying weakly on the hospital bed and letting the doctor put on a plaster, Gu Zhongjing didn't know whether to be angry or laugh.

He pulled a stool and sat on the side of Xiaodong's bed, and asked him, "Xiaodong, why didn't you call me or your brother Yan when you went up the mountain?" He

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