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☆ 13. Chapter 13: Li Yu

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Chapter 13 Li Yu

researched, Gu Zhongjing regretted that he shouldn't have bought so many vegetable seeds at one time, he should have bought a certain kind of vegetable seeds with a high price and a short cycle to plant, too

many types of vegetables and too many miscellaneous vegetables were not a good thing for him.

He only needs to specialize in a certain vegetable, such as a vegetable that the public buys a lot - baby cabbage.

Other vegetables can be planted slowly in the future, mainly to make money quickly in the early stage, so there is no need to buy so many miscellaneous seeds.

Thinking of this, Gu Zhongjing returned to the store where he bought the seeds just now, and only after reluctantly complaining about it did he replace all the seeds with cabbage seeds.

There were twenty bags in total, two dollars each, and he still had one hundred and six left.

After buying things, Gu Zhongjing went to the farm tool store to buy a hoe, and the barren land in the space still had to be turned over, during this time, he cleaned up the dead branches and leaves by hand, and he didn't need any tools, turning the ground was different, and

he couldn't let him turn it over by hand.

After buying things and finding a place where no one was there and throwing them into the space, Gu Zhongjing found the nearest bus stop and got on the bus.

Why do you have to take the bus?

- because there is no money.

No matter how uncomfortable Gu Zhongjing gritted his teeth to restrain the murderous desire in his heart, telling himself to be calm, this is already a modern society, there are no zombies here, don't be impulsive, don't

be impulsive...

It was useless to read it like this, Gu Zhongjing was still very irritable, he didn't talk about it, he took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Li Yu.

Li Yu is the one who knows more about current affairs among the two classmates who Gu Zhongjing beat down when he woke up, and Gu Zhongjing gave him a task before, and I don't know how he has completed it now.

He took everything that Manager Zhang said to Gu Zhongjing to heart today, what is the woman named Zhao Qiuling, I don't know what kind of madness she is in, it is better to figure it out, otherwise there are always

a pair of dark eyes staring at him, which is really unpleasant.

Li Yu was reading in the library when he received the information, he was a very self-motivated person, an honor student who got scholarships every year, but unfortunately his family had no money for him to study, so he could only find a way by himself


Bullying Gu Zhongjing to curry favor with Miss Zhao, he did it both guilty and handy, he had done this kind of thing many times, and he was already familiar with it.

It's a pity that he kicked the iron plate this time, Gu Zhongjing is not like those previous classmates, he bullied and bullied, and he didn't dare to resist at all.

It did go well at first, Gu Zhongjing was expelled from school by them, but he never thought that Gu Zhongjing would be so rigid and actually took that kind of photo.

If it is an ordinary fruit photo, Li Yu doesn't care at all, after all, he is a big man, and the fruit will be fruitful, what are you afraid of?

But Gu Zhongjing, the sinister villain, actually posed for him and Chen Liang, those postures were simply unsightly, once they were sent out, he and Chen Liang would be ruined, and he didn't

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