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☆ 9. Chapter 9: The Past Touches

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Chapter 9 Chu

Yan laughed angrily, Gu Datou is a cheap skin, he has itchy skin if he doesn't smoke it for a day, and it seems that the pillow can't satisfy him.

Thinking of this, Chu Yan dropped the pillow and picked up the withered branches on the ground and pumped them towards Gu Zhongjing.

Gu Zhongjing screamed and begged for mercy: "Ah, I was wrong, I was wrong, baby, Yuan Yuan, I won't tease you in the future, hiss, you really beat it, help, murdered your husband!" "

Gu Datou, you stop for me, and if you run again, do you believe that I will ignore you for a month?!" As soon as the

words fell, Gu Zhongjing braked sharply and really stopped.

The stick waving in Chu Yan's hand was confiscated for a while, and hit Gu Zhongjing directly, listening to the dull thought of the voice, he knew that the blow was not light.

Chu Yan didn't expect Gu Zhongjing to stop suddenly, he was just scaring Gu Zhongjing, how could he really be willing to ignore him. After the stick hit, Chu Yan's beautiful face wrinkled, and as

soon as the stick

was thrown, he hurriedly stepped forward to take care of Zhongjing's injury.

"Gu Datou, are you okay? I'll see where I hit?

Gu Zhongjing looked at Chu Yan with a smile, admiring his distressed appearance, and secretly lowered his head and kissed the top of Chu Yan's head.

"It's fine, it doesn't hurt.

Chu Yan: "Are you stupid?" Why stop all of a sudden?

Gu Zhongjing was aggrieved: "Didn't you say that you would ignore me for a month if you ran again?"

"You believe me, fool! Chu Yan said angrily.

Gu Zhongjing's expression remained unchanged: "Why don't you believe it, I believe everything you say."

Chu Yan was distressed: "You big fool."

Gu Zhongjing was a little soft-hearted: "Are you not stupid to catch up with such a good-looking daughter-in-law?"

Chu Yan looked away uncomfortably, not looking at Gu Zhongjing, that gaze was too hot, it could make people melt inside, Chu Yan didn't dare to look at it.

He suddenly remembered that when he first saw Gu Zhongjing, he seemed to see himself like this, and there was something strange in his heart, as if he understood something.

Thinking of that possibility, Chu Yan's heart began to tremble slightly.

"Gu Datou, let me ask you a question, you have to answer me honestly.

Maybe Chu Yan's expression was too serious, and Gu Zhongjing also became serious: "You ask, I must be honest."

Chu Yan: "When did you start liking me?"

After listening to the question,

Gu Zhongjing's eyes flickered a little, and in Chu Yan's gaze, his ears and face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In Chu Yan's heart, Gu Zhongjing has always been a very thick-skinned guy, and he always fights against himself for various reasons.

But he really hadn't seen Gu Zhongjing's face blush.

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