Chapter 7 - MATE!

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Esme's POV

It hasn't been long since I got home. I've been trying to sort out some of the stuff that's been falling apart from rain and storms and sometimes when Aloha Dylan wants a punching bag and I'm unconscious he goes for the walls or the doors.

I hear my door being slammed open and I know exactly who it is. He's angry. Majorly angry at that.

"OI mutt. You're going tomorrow to Another pack."

I'm frozen in my spot. I need Finn to come home now. I need him here because Dylan won't be able to hit me if he's here! He wouldn't dare.

"Are you listening to me bitch"

"I can't leave! Finley's here and I can't just leave him here with you on his own. He won't have no one here and I don't want to go"

** SLAP **

"You disrespect me again and I'll make him watch the next slap that lands your way is that clear"

"I don't need you to let him watch! He sees the aftermath of every single beating I get for what? What makes your pack members and omegas any better than me? Apart from that tramp of a girlfriend, you don't even love"

** SLAP **

Another one to my cheek again. And again. And he's now choking me and I can't breathe. My wolfs to weak.

"You want to say that again? The boldness you had not 30 seconds ago doesn't exist right now is it?"

I'm slapping his hands but he's much stronger than me. I drop to the floor and he's instantly kicking me in my face my stomach everywhere he can reach and my head hurts too much.

"You're nothing but a fucking omega! You are not wanted here, you are a waste of space" he says with venom leaking out of his voice.

"GET AWAY FROM HER RIGHT NOW" I hear Finn's voice say.

"Come to watch have you Finn," he says laughing. Obviously not noticed the gorgeous man behind my brother yet.


trying to pull him off me. And my name to you Alpha is Finley. Only Esme calls me Finn!

"She's Esme?" The guy who stood behind Finn asked. Looking concerned. But why?

"Alpha Jaxon"

My wolfs trying to pounce in my mind. She's trying to pull me awake and pull me to his delicious scent of the ocean and lavender but I can't contain my tears any longer. It hurts all too much.

"What were you doing kicking the shit out of her? Not 4 hours ago you asked me to take her for your benefit? Does she look like someone capable of being everything you described"

"You're taking Esme?" Finn asks.

"You can't do that. HE IS NOT TAKING HER DO YOU HEAR ME!" he says while throwing punches at Alpha Dylan and splitting his lip.

The guy I presume who is Alpha Jaxon is pulling Finn away from Dylan and is holding him back. I know my brother. He can fight- we never had proper training at the pack so when we had a chance we trained here together.

"Finn" I call out to him. He's prying himself off the guy holding him and soon there are 2 more males in our home and I can't stay awake much longer. My eyes are too heavy and my mind is distracted by his scent to notice what's going on.

Finn carries me upstairs but not before telling Dylan to leave our house and that he doesn't want to see him anywhere near me again.

By the sounds of it, I won't be a problem to anyone after all of this is done.

"You're going to be okay Esme. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault"

"It's n...not your fault," I say while coughing. The blows to my stomach and chest hurts so much that even breathing and coughing makes me wheeze in pain.

"I'll be downstairs okay when I come to bed I'll bring you the bottle of water I took earlier okay? Get some sleep." He says while kissing my forehead. I think someone followed us.

"Who's up here? " I ask slowly opening to eyes to him, to see who it is.

Before I fully lose to sleep my wolf shouts the one thing I never thought I'd hear again.


Finley's POV

I'm walking downstairs behind the same guy I met outside. From what I gathered he is an alpha too, he has the aura and the power around him to make even me submit to him without even trying

"Who are you people" I ask the 3 males in my house.

"I'm sorry for our rudeness. I'm Alpha Jaxon Hayes. This is my beta and my brother Charlie. And this is my Gamma. Hunter"

"Right. I'm sorry for the rudeness. It's been a stressful day. But may I ask what are you doing here Alpha?"

"I came for the annual ball which didn't end so well anyway and my mate's scent led me here, Who are you may I ask?" He asks politely. He sounds alright but I trust no one accept Esme.

"I'm Finley West. I live here with my twin sister Esme West. And I'm sorry...Mate?"

"Wow. Twins. I'll be honest I didn't expect that when I arrived. And yes. Your sister. Esme is my mate. I arrived here not too long ago and no one but now you knows of this information so I would politely ask you to not mention it to no one, especially Alpha Dylan"

"You have my word. The guy is a total bastard where my sister is concerned. I owe him nothing"

"Does he treat her like this often?" He asks like we're friends or something. But for some reason, I feel as though I trust him. I haven't a clue why but I just do.

"Not just him. The kitchen staff and Dylan's girlfriend are the worst as well as her friends. She gets beatings every day or we both get thrown into the dungeon if I get involved. She tells me not to, and she pleads for me to stay back and not notice but I can't. I've challenged Dylan and his Tribe several times for laying a hand on her" They punch her, kick her pull her around throw things at her like plates glasses...everything and I'm supposed to turn a blind eye to it"

He's got his mouth wide open as if I've just told him something he didn't expect to hear.

"You said she's going with you tomorrow? Why?"

"Your alpha told us she's troubled, he needs an alpha who can put her in her place and who can demand respect from her. Told me that she starts fights and talks back and doesn't listen."

That bastard.

"Finn...what happened to your parents? Alpha Langley told me that they disowned her for this behaviour. Is that true?"

'He knows it's a lie, Finn. He's trying to make peace with you. I can feel it.' Oliver ( Oli to me) says.

"No. My parents didn't want us. They have 3 other children at home. My brothers and sisters. They are the ones they wanted, me and Esme just got in the way. They threw us out 5 years ago and we ended up living here on nothing. She's older than me by 5 minutes but she feels as though she has to protect me and starve herself so I eat. She's my hero" I tell him while holding back my tears. I'm not a weak wolf, but my sister is the only one I have left.

"She's the only person I have left on this planet. If she goes I don't have no one"

"Leave it to me. Go see your sister."

And with that, he left. I turn on my heels and go upstairs to treat my sister's wounds. Some are deep gashes but some will heal on their own over time.

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