Chapter 40 - I want...

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Jaxon's POV

Tonight's been planned for weeks, it got postponed when Esme gave birth to Reggie but everything's gone according to plan.

Over the last month I've noticed Esme changing into this incredible mother, fiancé and our Luna, she's been through hell and back but yet she has managed to maintain a decent amount of comfort, love and passion towards herself and the pack members of our pack.

Theres a knock at my office door which usually means my mum or dad as everyone else just walks in and it's actually Charlie.

"Hey man we've got company. There here now but want to speak with you personally"

"Who is it?"

"It's the alpha of the red claw pack. It's alpha mark and his Luna"

"Send them in, thanks man"

Alpha Mark and his Luna Melissa walk into my office. Concern etched on there faces and I can tell this isn't going to be a good chat.
"Alpha mark, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Good afternoon Alpha, we'd had word that Alpha Dylan Langley has rogues on their territory. They have killed 3 people so far. They want us to form alliances, my pack, your pack and silver Lands pack. The top three powerful packs"

Oh for fuck sake.

" we've already tried a treaty with his Pack. Alpha Dylans Luna had someone to shoot my fiancé to terminate her pregnancy. We have no solid proof but they treated my Luna like shit and I can't have that again. They are attending the Gala tonight and I won't have any trouble"

I showed Alpha Mark the email that Dylan had sent to Esme about his stay here and the food. Me, personally, I wouldn't have they stay here or in a 10 mile radius to my pack. The damage they can and the damage they would cause our land and our reputation is beyond me. Not to mention the fact that I don't trust there previous Alpha and current.

"Alpha... what do we do?"

"Please. Just Jaxon is fine. And truthfully I'm declining his request. For the sake of my people I'm declining it"

"That sounds fine for me. I just needed to clarify with another pack to be sure I wasn't going in to it blindsided and then get screwed over that's all"

After half an hour of speaking with Mark I show them to there quarter's where they will be staying for the night and then let them know that the Gala starts at 7pm, and there will be drinks and a buffet for everyone instead of a course meal.

I head to my room and when I enter I'm left with the most beautiful woman sitting on the bed and I'm already rock hard.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"Oh do know that, that position your laying in gets me turned on so easily right"

"Well if your that turned on...get your ass over here and do something about it"

Oh I do not need telling twice. My dick is getting bigger and there are so many things I want to do to my Fiancé. But first I have to mind link my mother to see if she will collect our son so I can do what I want to her and not have to listen out for our boys crying. There has been several times that we have gotten into bed and things have been heated up and then Reggie cries. It's like he knows it, like he's waiting for us to do what ever it is we want to do and then he wants feeding. Typical male.

"I've just mind linked mom. She's going to come and collect Reggie and then I'm taking you for a shower my lady"

"Ohh. You've got your Alpha tone on. I likey" she says while strutting over to me in the sexiest walk I have ever seen her do and it just makes this even more painful.

After my mom's left I turn on the show and make do in stripping my woman. Kissing her body on every inch, leaving my mark under her boobs and showing her who's the boss. (She is definitely the boss but I don't let her know that. She'll use to it against me) and eventually we are both left Naked in the bathroom and making out before stepping into the hot water that splashes over us. Her nipples are Pukered and she's extremely wet...just in the other way and I can't help but drape my hand over her sex and push a finger inside of her.

"Oh fuck. Jax...that feels so good. Keep going"

"You like it princess? Is this what makes you feel good"

"Yes. Please..."

"Please what princess"

"Fuck me jax...send me over the edge and let me just feel you"

again...I don't need telling twice.

"Turn around. Hands on the wall and shift your ass my way"

I use my Alpha Male tone on her and I watch her shiver which sends another electrifying shock through my dick and to top it all off she keeps wiggling her ass my way.

"Stop moving"
I slap her bare ass, not too hard but enough for her to obey me and I like seeing her this way, I like been the dominating one even if she is truly the dominant one in this relationship. I can't help but want her more. I want to have so many children with her, I loved watching her belly growing with our boy, I love watching her terrify my men and the other male members of the pack with her shouting and getting cranky when they breathe near her.

"Jax..I need you! NOW!"

"I'd say you're the boss but are you..."

I slap her ass again which earns me a great little whimper from that sweet...sweet mouth of hers.
I lean down, close enough to her ear where I know she will get goose bumps, where I know this is how to turn her on more and I whisper sweet nothings to her.

"I like you in this position. Bowing down to my every need. Your ass in the air and you listening to me"

I say all of this while stroking her core with my dick, earning an agitated groan from her because she wants me.

"Beg" I say as I pull away.


"Beg me for what you want"

"I want you to fuck me. I want you so deep inside of me Jaxon that I feel you for the next week even when your no where near me, I want you to fill me up and get me pregnant"

Her words stop my very movement... a smile on my face and a twitching feeling in my dick, my balls are heavy and my throat is tight with raw emotion.

"You want another baby?" I ask because I didn't tell her I wanted another.

But I did you silly twat. I told our mate what we want. What you want to do to her, how she's secretly the boss.

'Blaze, you silly prick what would you do that for?'

Because my friend...I quite enjoyed her been mardy with you. Out your ass in the right place and also...she's got you wrapped round her little finger.

'She's had me wrapped around her little finger from day one...when she spoke to me anyway'

"Earth to Jaxon...I'm horny and you're not doing anything. I to...fuck

Rejected by one Alpha, Loved by anotherWhere stories live. Discover now