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Some say that love is part of life. Some say that it is a treasure so marvellous only a few ever truly encounter it. There are others who believe that love is for living. That the very purpose of the continuous beating of our hearts is to find it. The theologians call it a godlike force, one that whispers to us from the part of us that touches the empyrean. From something that exists beyond our knowledge, something we are powerless to.

Love, to me, is a ticking time bomb. Counting down, second by second, to the moment when it will finally explode and no one can stop it. Not the smartest among us or the bravest or the luckiest. Not even you. It is unavoidable, a consequence of living. Everyone falls in love and it isn't up to us when that explosion happens. It just does.

I'll grant the philosophers and helpless lovers this: though everyone falls in love sometime, it is not up to us to decide whether ticking time bomb will explode. I see love only as the ticking time bomb, awaiting its end and no one, not even yourself or the smartest, bravest hero can manipulate the cables and stop the rebellious fate.

Falling in love is an unavoidable fate. One we are all doomed to.

In the end, we are but mere pieces in a bigger game. Meant to do nothing more than bend and worship such impetus with our knees on the ground, our necks coiled and our glistening relinquished eyes sparing themselves one last tear.

Don't get me wrong... I'm not a drama queen. Nor am I some kind of sentimentalist poet. I'm just a girl, who like so many others before her, fell.

Nor wits or barricades could spare me from my fate, for I was doomed well before I could even understand the words I am writing now. I struggled, I was repulsed, horrified even so, but after such torture you see there is a certain beauty only but a handful of souls get to glimpse, and that is to be a witness of the unbreakable bond there is when a mediocre life is attached to another, a thread being crossed over another; uniting them, could even say forcefully... forever.

A curse to endure as it is the missing piece of the puzzle we are all searching for, perfectly manufactured to fill in the missing gaps we are all constructed to have, the question in human anatomy finally answered.... It is just a matter of finding the beauty in the known to give meaning to the unknown entrances of the unexpected.

Unexpected dreams, funny, how we hope and pray the rarest and yet most desirable kind of them will someday come true. But if they did, if they somehow, magically became....would you notice it was no longer a dream; rather a fragment of reality? A reality you are now a stranger to?

Unlike some paths, mine coursed through my blood since the moment my heart gave its first thump, and in the act, scorching my heart.

It's actually funny how it all happened in an unpredictable, unrepeatable, beat. How with just one pump of blood our selfish pains were gone, our lungs opened ready to take in fresh air and our lips swindled in their corners. Somehow, strangely and frankly quite freakishly, he made me unique..... ephemeral but unique.

A millisecond glance that unites both souls like a golden string to be bound till forever is not long enough. Until the same forever passes in just one blink of an eye and no measure of time is bound enough because we are all, sooner or later, damned to be ephemeral.

A continued, never stopping cycle just waiting to be interrupted:

for how can you tell when you are undeniably in love?

Is it the quickening drumming and the half moonlike smile painted across your lips, or is it even the flaming anger that can never apparently be sufficed?

There is a question no one, not even the most bright mind i know, has given me the answer to. We know we are ephemeral, we lecture ourselves into being good and true; we know that our mind and bodies have a cycle that forces our souls to become a threat.

We are instants.... and if our souls are what we truly are, will love be able to endure our hearts dying?

Will our souls surrender to the ephemeral fear and accept that you finally are?

As ephemeral as eternity can be?


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