Chapter 36. Rumor has it...

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Detention is cold hearted....but at least it was a refugee from the rumours. Detention had been postponed into an after-school detention, a detention that would take place tomorrow because there was a scarcity of teachers left to deal with us, the others were even more busy attempting to hush the scandal about me and my idiocies. 

The rumours spread with cruelty, the whispering was each time less silent as if someone barged into a silent room and knocked with anger the doors with both palms open or a clenched fist. It was impossible for me to escape the sympathetic looks or the judgmental accusations of those who poorly knew me. Amongst the worst, they said I had attempted to commit suicide or that even I had been so harmed that my brain was malfunctioning. The first one was undoubtedly mistaken. The second... I suppose there is no doubt left that my mind had definitely been revolutionised by his encounter. Madness? I suppose that it was only a by-product of my character who was accentuated, but lambs are as ignorant as the immature teens who spread the words. I was not angry at the rumours, but yet, I could not stand their sympathy, so much, it was overwhelming to see the teachers mumbling at my name.

"I knew it would happen" I told Oliver, who now walked with me alongside the condos garden. A little time was spared before I could actually enter detention, which was far worse than the actual thing.

"What day is it?" I asked, Oliver walking by my side looked up and as he thought of it embraced the thin rays of sunlight. We both adored the golden light when the sun fainted and at this point: my solitude would only be more toxic.

"The 12th of October...I think"

I huffed as a chuckle. "It will be the day I will always remember. I knew the rumours would happen....that is why I tried to shut it. But it was impossible with my mouth"

"And Mary's"

"What?" I asked, appalled "what did Mary have to do with that? Yes, I did tell her but only because I had no choice: my sister had called her. I could not lie"

"You couldn't" he agreed "but she loves the spotlight: and your aching gave it to her"

"Was she the one who told...everyone?"

"Not everyone... just one person who would screw your whole world up"

I gulped. My limbs curling with threat and my tears suffocating my eyes.

" Hayden..." I attempted to speak

"The one and only"

I mumbled with anger, my eyes lighting with fury and anger

"If only I had a bat"

He laughed dearly, and then mocking my suffering added: "even if you did have one, you couldn't"

I struck my tongue out. I was highly tempted to do so, but I knew deep down that I was too much of a coward to actually do so. Throwing pens was my limit.

"Do you think she was the one who told everyone? That she released the footage?"

He remained silent. His jaw glided across his face as his eyes scattered across the room, searching for a clear coast.

"She definitely told everyone....but I doubt that she released the footage"

My lashes curled, my brows hunched.

"But when?" Mary and Hayden had never been enemies but they had never been friends, and there had not been a moment that i remembered where they had interacted.....only but one

"The party" I concluded "she was drunk and of course she would have spilled my tea! Of course she would!"

"And she did"

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