Chapter 47. Seriously, is he bipolar?

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I couldn't think. My mind spun as the everlasting horizon he described was still brushed by my mind.

"I'm sorry I am not following," I said in between agitated breaths. He chuckled

"People like you and me, were not easily treated so people put tags on us. What I am saying is that I hate my tag; maybe this will sound hypocritical but I wish people would know less about me" He finalised.

My mouth was open like an O. A large O. I couldn't believe his words. How easily he could talk to me and how easily I could talk to him.

"Know less about you? All the girls say you are the mysterious guy! I don't even know your last name!" I concluded. I omitted the 'sexy, mysterious guy' part.

"Well, it's supposed to be Debroch, but things got messy after my mom married Andrew's father. '' He said, I could feel his anger and frustration. I bit my lip, trying to hold any sympathetic glances....I failed

"Yeah, I heard you guys weren't brothers. Not that you aren't bonded together and have affection-like- like you are but aren't." I stupidly finalised. I covered my mouth with my hands. He laughed so sweetly that made my stupid stumbling dissolve away.

"Yeah. My mom was broken after-. It doesn't matter. The point is that my mom found Andrew's father and they were each other's life boats. I can't deny my mother her happiness"

"That's very kind of you" I said, wondering about his delicacy. One I could have sworn he did not have...surprise surprise.

He is not at all the boy I had judged him to be. He is kind, intelligent, funny and now I know.... He has a big heart. He nodded

"It's not kind. It's cruel that I sometimes am unhappy with my mothers happiness, "he concluded. His resemblance was sad. I looked at him astonished. In an involuntary reaction I passed my cold hand through his face, I rested it on his cheeks; his marble like face was soft and... in pain. I smiled at him

"It is kind, and deep down you know it. And after everything I thought you were, I now realise you are completely different. I am sorry if I ever hurted you" I said softly. He lifted his gaze, a suppressed smile was urging us to get out and I spotted we were outside of the nurses. He held me tighter, closer to his chest and heart as his smile glowed in my landscape.

"I guess I have to go now..." I said sadly "Thank you for everything" My smile said.

"I guess so," He replied as his eyes toured my face His hand was still gently assessing my face and lifting it up to his view. I paralyzed, slightly smiling, as the nervousness overcrowded me.

A silhouette was quickly creeping up on me, it was the nurse who ran into our direction, parting me away from Spencer...

"Oh my god! Sweetie come in" The nurse rushed

"Hi. I am fine, it's just a scratch" I said. My eyes were still glued to Spencers. His eyes are still on mine. My heart beat began to rush, so quickly my cheeks slightly blushed. How could I say goodbye after this? My hands clenched his neck as he gave another step inside the infirmary. Who is this boy?

"Sweetie, come in" The nurse quickly said as she opened the door. Spencer continued to take me inside and he lowered me at the open board in the middle of the tiny room. My eyes neglected the orders my brain had said, and so did theirs. He looked at me one final time; passed his hand through my hair and settled it down next to my ear. I smiled sweetly.

"Thank you" I whispered.

He didn't reply, he simply nodded, gave me a sweet look and left my sight.

I didn't see him again until next week.  He just disappeared. 

Once again the million dollar question: who is Spencer? 

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