Chapter 45. The problem is we are 2 overthinkers.

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I was in Spencer's arms, he was carefully walking, his feet knowing perfectly well where to step. Spencer's arms, muscly and tight, slowly carried me light weightlessly; the fire was ignited and my curiousness exploded. He kept a close eye on me and then retrieved it. I could barely breathe.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked him, my voice calmed and serene. His eyes begun to once again tour me and evaluate whether he should respond

"Again?" He said nicely, a delicate rose from his voice

"It's not my fault you are very mysterious and I am very curious" I replied, I looked away so my words wouldn't stumble by his handsomeness. He laughed

"Fine" he finally agreed

"Why did you save me from the forest but when I woke up you weren't there?" I asked. I wanted the answer to that question so badly. That was my first encounter with him. I'd like to know what made him run away from me. He kept silent, clearing up his throat and thinking very clearly what he should respond to.

"Direct," He granted, and I smiled "Are you sure you didn't hit your head?"

"Yes, I am," I said, perfectly aware. His eyes doubted my words "I did probably hit my head but I truly want to know" I spoke softly.

He breathed, fast, almost suffocating himself, apprehending his answers with his life. Protecting them, guarding them, keeping them.

"Because I knew that something exactly like this would happen" He finally answered. A note of disappointment from his tone, my chin lowered.

"Oh" I replied. His eyes quizzical.

"Wait what?," I questioned "would your fan club get mad that you are taking me to the nurse?" I replied

"No, no. Not that." His voice soon twisted into one of frighten, one of confidence, one of regret.

"Do you regret 'saving' me?" I asked, drawing the dash of pain incrusted in my being after the worst possible words slipped my mouth. My heart begun to beat slowly and seconds felt eternal

"Do you think if I regretted saving you, I'd be here right now taking you to the nurse? You give me less credit than I deserve," His voice was smooth, no anger, just sadness.

"No." I didn't sound very defined and so his eyes led themselves towards mine. "I know you care about me, you do certain things not anyone is willing to. You watch me and smile when I do too," My breathing collapsed. "But what do you mean that something like this would happen? That my clumsiness would kick in and you'd have to carry me because I fell? I really am sorry I should look out more and be more careful" I replied sarcastically with a chuckle.

"No." He chuckled "Because I knew that if I got close enough to you, I wouldn't be able to pull away; not because I didn't want to but because I can't. Especially not when you're in such a terrible state" he confessed. His voice was calm and attractive. Silky and moist. I looked at him unaware of his words—

"Wh-what? Pull away?" I was still incredibly confused. His smile increased as he noticed my pathetic struggle.

"I can't stay away from you. Not anymore, ''he replied. Stay away from me? What?

Did you get that from a movie? I silently mumbled to myself-

"Why would you want to stay away from me? Did I do something wrong?" I asked innocently.

"Because I don't want to hurt you. And no, the only thing bad enough in you is your lack of selfishness... and the fact you continue to smile despite losing your consciousness' ' He confessed. His words paused and I was speechless for the first time ever. "Not you." He proceeded. My head was spinning, my eyes leaving my brain. I looked at him so confused, he caressed his fingers over my hair and let out a smile, a delicate beautiful smile. "And you've seen it, I have quite a temper when things don't go my way, '' he replied. "I do apologise about last time; I wasn't used to people neglecting me so directly, but things just escalated with you" His hand was still caressing my cheeks, slowly going through my skin and pores like a baby. I was too confused to reply.

"So that is why you hated me?-" I articulated but before I could finish he interrupted me

"I never ever could hate you! Yes I avoided you I'll grant you that much but don't you ever say that! Hate you." He scoffed "Ridiculous" His anger rose at the mention of those words, his voice became louder and boomed everywhere. His jawline tensed and my eyes dashed frightfully. He really had a lot of mood swings. He exhaled, looking at the horizon and then once again at me, now I was frightened, after all if he was carrying me he could drop me any second.

"I am sorry. So sorry. See? I get angry and bad things can happen.-" He couldn't finish, he was vulnerable for the first time, even though he still had that desperate angry look on his precious face.

"Hey, it's okay." I soothed his sorrows "I am fine, thanks to you. The girls could have never handled me, did you see them? They were screaming like cocatues." I answered. He laughed and I did too. "And you don't have to stay away from me, I like Spencer the way Spencer is; I don't see you the other people do but what I see I like, you're a mess, and so am I. besides your only human and not even you can prevent my bad luck nor my clumsiness and I like my character as it is, and it looks you need a smile enough" I said to him in a carefully and lovely tone, I smiled at him and he was astonished, his eyes glowed and his mouth was soon relaxed.

"I thought you didn't like humans" He grantees and my smile slightly tilted. I laughed subtly

"Well, that is a strong enough topic" I smiled "And I dislike what humans do like hurt people or innocent animals; but that would just be hypocritical as I am one" I laughed at the thought "But I like people like you, regardless"

"Who are you?" He said to me so delicately. His hand was still on my cheeks and his eyes glued to my actions.

"Me? You should ask that question to the mirror!" I replied in between chuckles

"So you still want to be friends with me?" He questioned subtly

Hadn't I answered already that question?

"Nothing I'd like more," I replied for the third time.

"You're an overthinker" i blurted, he laughed. 

"You are too" He noticed. I nodded in agreement 

Silence ruled for a couple of seconds and the pain resumed. He noticed how i squinched my eyes and ruffled my nose. His eyes set on me, wide. His hands pressed into my body, tighter. 

He held me closer to him.  

He was literally the only one keeping me going. 

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