Chapter 59. A truth: liars cannot be caught on camera.

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The flame increased, the heat drowned both of us and my desire for him had become a ruthless and unstoppable one. Our noses pulling for each other, our lips aching to do the same. His hand attempting me to pull closer... Gently yet dangerous.

"I- I can't" I whispered to him as my nose collided with his and another tear rolled down. The fire increased even more and I fought against it as his emerald vexed eyes pierced mine.

Confused, sad, vexed eyes.

My lungs expanded themselves, taking in as much air as possible as I knew that the words I was about to say were the words that would eventually ruin me.

My head tilted downwards...He pulled away.

A tear rolled away.

"You'll break me" I breathed in a quivering uncertain tone...

And looked inside his golden, melting eyes begging for mercy.

"I won't," He pleaded. A vow to the string uniting his soul and mine.

"How do you know that?" Snapping away as my neck curved further apart from his warm air; echoing my pain like the needles that once tore me away.

"I don't" He confessed plainly. "I know nothing. I am ignorant. A fool. Because I once supposed that you and I were in love"

And the crystal, shattering tears rolled away without despair.

"I am sorry" I begged.

My feet attempted to run, to leave the pain and hope for the sun to come out again...but it simply appeared as if the energy required to flee from his presence was more than the one I possessed.

His eyes continued staring at mine.

I, incapable of witnessing his bliss fading, looked away: for I couldn't bear his defying stare piercing into my soul and fragmenting my heart again.

I looked away.... Melting into a deaf silence. A silence, quiet and pellagrous, that was interrupted by an incandescent buzzing that drowned my ears into a pouncing of needles that alerted me of the peril of steering as deeply into his eyes.

The vibrations, once hurried, now echoed like waves of electricity: everything felt as unclear as the first time I was brave enough to wander into the treacheries of his forest.

My hand, as uncertain as my mind now was, stared above, hoping to sink the tears and neglect the pain: I stared upwards, hoping to blur his presence from my bury the feeling that ached my fractured body and like the devious colors of the twilight, turn this memory into another....But I stared above and noticed something that made every agonising word, every incorrect scruples of his head, and every uncertain cripple of heart fit in.

"The security cameras." I mumbled.

And a gasped breath, hurried and damaged, stopped my heart into those words....

He was the... one.

He was in fact the missing puzzle piece i was searching for. 

"Ale..." He called again; his limbs moving at indecorous speed as his insidious face noticed the realisation of his sins... I knew what he had done.

And i knew he hated that i did. 

I continued to stare at the rectangles that evidenced a crime I could not bear for him to be the cause....

He... spilt the tapes.

The confusion in my lips ascended in each breath.

A quivering indecision, puncturing, shattering, each of my words. Unable to finish the sentence...he hushed again and the silent monster guzzled his voice.

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