Chapter 53. Torn between her and him.

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As I entered my house, the interrogation began and all the millions of questions my mamma asked me were fully and in a lot of detail answered. Laughter followed each thought, and the thought was then followed by nervousness and doubt....How he swifted and changed so easily... If there is such a thing, to which I have little capacity of, is to state things as dull, and filterless as they are; but at this precise moment only one word will fully describe the joyful instability, and unpredictableness of my own twisted thoughts..... Mindblown.

Seconds escaped, time remained a stranger to my words and soon midnight was crawling in... F

or some reason it all felt like a blurr, it seemed like a blur slowly staining my view and leaving me partly blind not just to my reason, but to my sight, senses and even my feelings. As if I was numb ever since i entered the woods. 

 The scent, the everlasting path of trees curving down at me, extending their branches and leaves to my soft touch. I remembered how my feet remained still, how all that there was or ever would be was the deafening silence.... No owls hustle, nor birds chirping. Just the constant, melodic, timed fall of dripping tears falling from the trees.

Drip, drip, drip.

My unsettling figure remained frozen, entranced. My eyes focused on each fallen drop, waving on another, encouraging with a bright smile another one to endless cycle.

Tear after tear, drop after drop they fell into the ground. Falling without despair, hopeful that they would soon reach the earth...

Throwing themselves willingly from that green platform they stood in, embracing their death with a grin on their smile and a heart full of hopes, and crashing helplessly into the soil. Sinking, dispersing, perishing away from my sight and what they used to be...neglecting their selfishness and inequity to simply be.... My eyes could not comprehend their willing sacrifice, for why are they falling? More importantly, why do they accept to fall? The leafed tears were united with the soil they once belonged in, their prime form obtained once again...they nurtured the soil, they gave birth to life, all for their sacrifice; it was indeed, a fair encounter....But it was a reencounter I could not withstand.

My feet rushed in order to save that drop. An insignificant, minuscule, tiny droplet no larger than an ant.... And yet my heart pounded madly in order to save that innocent breath of crystalized air from such cruel fate.

Agonising my whole body to save a tear, to stop the unstoppable and rewrite fait and laws of nature...I opposed that cruelty.

My body moved desperately. In complete agony, breathlessly, desperately rushing with lonely words echoing in my mind: Don't let it fall, don't let it fall. I extended my hand, reaching it, hoping it would fall on my warm fingertips and be saved from their destruction. To save them, from their end embraced with a faint hearted cherish-

The aching resumed: running helplessly, pursuing a dream, seeking to catch a suspire in the endless world.  

But despite my efforts, despite every inch of energy and sweat I gave, it fell.... with a grin on their lips and a glistening hope on their eyes, the tear fell and sinked; and with that willing sacrifice, numbness and silence was all that remained....


A wet relinquish collapsed on my face, the tears from a tree sluggishly rolled down their vivid green leaves and soaked in my pores; drops of humid water falling on my lashes; whitening my lips and moistening my soul. My collarbones were detailed, my neck curved and my head tilted upwards. Always upwards.

The winds whooshing sound drafted in a flashing hurl, without a second thought, my limbs sped up and ran without direction, nor nowhere to go- I ran without regret of anyone.

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