46. Is there a way to heal clumsiness? Or is that just fixed in my genes?

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Spencer kept staring at me, walking slowly and evaluating if I was in any pain.

"I'm okay! You can stop your quest Sherlock" I replied to him, he smiled and my heart stopped, the glistening of his white teeth and beauty of his eyes was more than what I could withstand. He was different... he was not the boy I had fought with at detention nor the arrogant prestigious boy I had assumed him to be, he is sweet and a gentleman. A boy who is willing to wetter his clothes with blood just to help me, a boy with a wide smile and open arms, a boy who is silently suffering; or at least I think so.

"I'm just worried. Most girls would have fainted already" he replied still looking at me

"I'm not scared of blood," I said fiercely.

"I can see that," he replied, still in between chuckles. "You crumble your nose when someone does something you dislike; but when you are lying on the floor almost unconscious everything is fine. That hardly seems a sain choice"

"The best people are crazy. Look at Albert Einstein, people assumed he was cucu nuts"

He hardened and my eyes threatened him. His eyes soothed with my gaze and after a roll of eyes he granted me "but I meant at this" He switched.

His eye brow lifted mine echoed.

"I am not like other girls in case you haven't noticed." I pointed out sheepishly "And the fact that I am clumsy, doesn't necessarily give you the right to engage me in the damsel in distress role. Thank you for your concern, but no" I said with my pride up in the air and my ego fully satisfied.

However, my subconscious still reminded me about his word choice, 'at this'.

What did he mean by this? That he is just so hot that girls would faint if he carried them?

Oh please. I withdraw my words, he is still arrogant.

His gaze followed me around as I accommodated his T shirt in order to help my stupidly injured knee.

"You jump to conclusions rather quickly"

"Not exactly; I just repel labels," I laughed at the thought. Repel labels. Oh my!

"Feisty" He concluded

"Thank you" And then laughed.

His eyes still focused on each minimalistic, almost unnoticeable flinch and change in my facade; I was okay; clearly not marvellous as my stinging proceeded merciless but he cared. And the simple thought warmed my heart.

I decided to ignore it but I still had to ask

"What?" My eyes locked with his as the sunlight quit away.

"Nothing nothing," he said, looking away, still with a smile. "You are just too....too much" he said as his perfectly chunky lips curved themselves.

Was that a compliment? Oh so now he gives me compliments? What is it with his mood swings!

"Thank you?" I said in a cooked smile, I began to tour his veins which rested in my things. I looked at them and noticed how his almost ceramic like body depended on the slightest bit of colour in order to blend with his perfect mixture of daydreams and faithful emotions.

He laughed

"You're cute when you get mad-

"And also when I'm happy" I completed his sentence. He smiled as he evaluated where my hands were touring him.

"Yes. You are cute 99.9% of the time" he said. I smiled and continued to follow his violet veins and just as I lifted my gaze up to him, my chestnut eyes got astounded... the spectacle in front of my chestnut eyes.

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