Chapter 30. It's true, mother knows best.

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I ran down the stairs and sprinted towards the front gate and into my white pearl van. I rushed through the passenger seat and buckled up my seatbelt in three seconds. Her beautiful pale face stood calmly next to my bolting one. Her cinnamon colored eyes, blinking at me with confusion, saluted me with excitement: she knew I had been enjoying myself and because I did, she did too. Her brown with yellow highlighted hair wrapped in a messy bun and her thin figure sitting peacefully in front of the wheel; I smiled at her.

"Well hello to you my dear monkey" She leaned over to me and kissed my cheeks sweetly.

I waved once again at my friends, which they did not hesitate to echo. As the van begun to move,  I noticed Jane's sleeping clothes, kindly lent to me, were still worn by me and not in her closet as they should be. I quickly texted her:

Hey! I forgot to give you back your pants and tee-shirt. I'll give it back to you on Monday, clean and dry. Thank you for everything! The party was amazing! REALLY! 

She replied in less than a second

It's okay! But you need to tell us about the mysterious romantic situation!!! That boy has more traps than an Indiana Jones film! As for Andrew, the chat remains...Oh I just wish he would get a move on! Love you! ♡♡♡

Love you more! And really thanks for everything. As for Gaston, don't be hasty, things that are worth fighting for take time! i'll be here if you need anything and don't worry, soon he'll make a bigger step, knowing his character, he'll want a girlfriend to show off soon. And yes, i'll keep you updated about the beast. The problem is, his character is a fortress that takes time to enter, but I will try. I have to know. Thank you again for everything! I love you!♥

As my quick hands zoomed the chats closed, my lips automatically spilled to my dear mother and began telling her about last nights' exploits. Her chuckles, referring to my undignified outfit, woke me, finally, from my daydream.

"Yes; I know." I soothed in a smile "I already talked to her, i'll give them back on monday" I informed her.

A smile replaced her kind eyes.

"Now, is that all that happened?" She subtly questioned. I laughed at the memories.

"Well, Jane is really good throwing .  They were appalled about my volleyball outfit!" I added a chuckle "they were seriously outraged! So I let them dress me up and honestly  I was impressed!"

"I suppose Mary had done that" She guessed, correctly, as usual.

"Yep. She always has,"

"A good friend"

"A lifetime friend" I corrected, she smiled.

"Now are you ready for the 5 w's" I announced; her eyes lighted with the comment, always ready to know whatever stupidity I would tell her.

"Of course I am! Tell me, my love. What happened? And with details included!"

"Of course" I obliged. "Well, many people came; mostly the ones in our year: Mary and the whole squad that follows. Andrew, our neighbour with the previous backstory, was there too, he likes Jane and is so sweet when it comes to her! I fully support those two newborn lovebirds. The boy's with exaggeratedly his ego's also were there; James included" Her eyes lengthen in twice their size. "No, mama, no '' I nodded her thought out with a smile. "I danced and laughed and attacked the candy bar, and Jane went out of the top with the decoration, it was more than marvellous! Lightbulbs decorating the fireplace, the laughter, the smiles! Everything is like a piece of my imagination and a cloudy world, but.... One person, however, does not fit in my daydream."

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