Saturn and Uranus

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(Am bad at chapter names okay? /e cry ALSO AM TRYING SO HARD TO MAKE IT IN CHARACTER)
Also takes place after Saturn argued with Jupiter lol.

After an argument with Jupiter, Saturn couldn't help but feel bad. All because he wanted to find Titan. But now he's alone, his moons have disappeared randomly, and Jupiter isn't there with him. Well, he can't talk to him now because of the mini-fight.

Saturn sighed, feeling sad and alone.

Oh wait, Uranus finally had its orbit visible to Saturn. But that also means that Saturn could talk to him. After all, Uranus orbit went almost to Saturn's side.

"Maybe a little talk with him could help me feel better, " Saturn thought.

But first he breath in and out then visit him.

"Hey, Uranus!" Saturn waved at him.

Uranus look up recognizing Saturn's voice.


"Yeah that's me! I..just wanted to talk to you, " Saturn did a sheepish smile.

"Oh? Um..why?" Uranus asked.

"Well am done with Jupiter.." Saturn paused then rolled his eyes.

" moons aren't here, like they disappeared or something, and I've been looking for Titan for many days! I..just feel lonely so..i wanted to talk you, " Saturn says feeling nervous.

(Idk space years/days/months IDK)

"You...want to talk to me?" Uranus smiles a bit then goes to his usual expression.

"Well I guess you can talk to me. Neptune is out with his imaginary friend called Guerllmo whatever it's name is, playing tea parties, and stuff." Uranus shrugs.

"Wait, your done with Jupiter?" Uranus eyes stated after noticing.

"How did that all happen, mate?" Uranus asked.

Saturn doesn't want to talk about it but maybe it will longer the conversation although it will still annoy himself but probably worth it he needed to talk with someone because he feels lonely.

"So, that all started because Jupiter got annoyed with me yelling Titan all day, and..I got mad randomly at him and started an argument.." Saturn realizes, it's kinda stupid but he's still
Annoyed at him though, but he can't help but feel bad about it then notice how it's kinda wrong..maybe he's wrong or both of them are.

"You got mad at him because he was annoyed at you yelling and looking for Titan all day?" Uranus repeated in a question and felt confused a bit.

"Uhhhhh...yeah?" Saturn grinned again nervously and then sigh.

"Look, I just got my anger out and started to feel out of the place ever since Titan gone missing! Am just so worried about him, you know?" Saturn stated correctly, feeling very sad.

"Oh..? Am sorry about that, mate." Uranus replied feeling a bit bad but also he's kinda almost bad at comforting(THAT'S MY HEAD CANON LOL) Uranus then think what else to say, maybe an advice yeah! An advice.
Good thing that Uranus already come up with one. Kinda, stupid but I guess it will be fine.

"Hmm, how about um.." Uranus think, then his eyes widen with a stupid idea.

"Take a break? Take a break from Jupiter or looking for Titan and all, you...Can umm talk or hang out with me, " Uranus suggest with a goofy advice.

"Uhh, well I think that could work.." Saturn isn't sure with that idea but shrugs after hearing about talking and hanging out with Uranus instead of Jupiter.

"You know what? Yeah! I should hang out with you." Saturn smiles at Uranus who is also smiling back.

"Oh! Cool c-cool!" Uranus stuttered a bit.

"So, what do you like to do around in your orbit?" Saturn asked deciding to make another topic other then his problem.

"Not that much actually, I usually write, read, and paint if I want." Uranus again shrugs, he's just feeling a bit happy because this day is so boring and this might be a bit new to him.

"Hey, Uranus! Am backkkk!" Neptune randomly comes back but this time without Guerllmo in his invisible hand.
(Yeah not humanized but I'll make it humanized in other oneshot fanfics lol)

"Oh, Neptune your back." Uranus said and looks at him including Saturn.

"Oh hello there, my blue jelly friend." Saturn smiled at Neptune.

And then now they all hang out and talk. Guess maybe taking a break from finding Titan all day and also about Jupiter too would be fine. He'll find Titan eventually after taking a break in a few space weeks.Saturn hoped Titan would be fine and well, nothing going wrong and all,





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