Surprise (Jupi x Nep kinda)

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An idea or request by, HelloIamCalm12 🔥🔥🔥🔥

Erm idk where to start so..


Oh and also the Jupinep is almost at the end. Sorri if it's not much😭 but don't worry. The title is a surprise.

The solar system was peaceful. Jupiter though had been reading, "The Little Prince" book with Neptune. Somehow Neptune had been Intruiged reading that book with Jupiter recently. He like how fascinating that was. Later he forgets about it halfway on those pages.

After reading through the pages of the book, that Jupiter been voicing it for Neptune, he closed as soon it stopped with a nice, calming, and soothing ending.

"So, how was it? Do you like it, Neptune?" Jupiter's eyes turned to Neptune, hoping he liked his reading time with him.

Neptune processed of what he just read for a few seconds. Trying to google or whatever his active mind is giving him.

"Oh! Oh yeah, it's interesting!" Neptune smiled at him.

"That's great, am glad we'd have a nice reading time with you beside Saturn-" Jupiter cut himself off.

"I mean he's great and cute. But I do felt like reading something with someone else. Then you came in.." Jupiter smiled back at Neptune, who disappeared.

"Oh-" Jupiter raised an eyebrow and shake his head while smiling.

"Oh, Neptune." He finished his sentence.

Meanwhile Uranus had finished a few products of his artwork. He shaked his hands because it hurt a lot due to him paying too much on those details.

'I guess that is about it," Uranus said to himself.


"AH-..NEPTUNE?!" Uranus breathe in and out, after getting jump scared.

"You gotta stop doing that, mate. It's freaking me out," Uranus suggested then put his hand on his chest.

"Sorry, Uranus!" Neptune giggled.

Uranus sighed, and crossed his arms.
"Anyway, where have you been?"

Neptune thought about it. All he remembered is that blurry picture of a book he last read with Jupiter, who he almost forgotten about.

"Reading!" That's all he could say.

"Reading? I never knew you can read, mate. Did someone teach ya?" Uranus asked him, he hoped he remembered.

"Oh yeah, that big guy with a big ches-"

"Jupiter?" Uranus blinked, and tilted his head. He doesn't know why Neptune said 'big chest' all of a sudden.

(Get it? Because based on Planets size if they're humanized their chest size is based on-💥am joking don't kill me pls)

"Ohhh, yeah, Jupiter...Jupiter!" Neptune thumbs up as he finally remembered.

"You've been reading with Jupiter?" Uranus repeated.

Neptune nodded, afirming with a 'uhuh' sound.

Uranus side eye to Jupiter, who's further away reading a calming book.


Jupiter sighed, he felt a bit lonely. Where's Saturn if you needed him? Oh wait his axis he's in is almost far behind the Sun. Jupiter sighed deeply hoping he'd get to see him again.

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