Iris from GHE go brrrr

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I tried making it a bit into character. Though I've watched every episode of GHE but I kinda..dont understand the lore😭 but anyway I got myself luck to make this lmao.
Humanized btw lmao
Also requested! Hope you like it or not!
Also warning:TINY GORE/blood uh..why the fudge did I do that

Neptune was just chilling in his orbit playing with his imaginary friend, Guerllmo. He was having fun by only talking with it until that going to be over.

The Iris brushed his dark orange/idk color suit, then closed some of his small eyes. He was going to be disguised as a normal planet, but his eyes might still freak out some planets.

He then slowly walked through the asteroid belts.
Pluto and his dwarf planet friends sure is lucky to not get found by the Iris. (They'd probably get killed lmao)

Slowly, Iris finally made it out of the Kuiper belt then he notice Neptune.

His eyes raised an eyebrow but then it widen when he had an idea.


The Iris noticed the solar system.

He's been so bored exploring the deep endless things inside the universe.

He did destroyed a few star system once.

But he could make it twice.

Exactly, he found the solar system quite interesting.

Even, earth.

***ended the flashback stuff***

Neptune was humming a random song he made up. He continued talking with Guerllmo.


The Iris shadowed him, that made Neptune turned around.

"Woah! Hello new neighbour! Are you a new planet?" Neptune being oblivious, greeted the cryptic, creepy, rocky, planet.

The Iris was confused. The last time he met other planets, they were usually creeped out by him.

Then the Iris snapped out of that thought.

"Hmm, you sure an interesting blue planet, " The Iris has a smoothing calm tone yet it's kinda glitchy type of voice.

"Well, thanks!" Neptune smiled at him.

You can be quite useful too, for my creatures on me to transfer to..a specific planet," The Iris grinned, his sharp teeth showing. This weirded out Neptune a bit, but it was very cool to him, and he was also very oblivious to what was about to happen to him.

"What specific planet-" Neptune was going to ask something but forget it as he say something else.
"I like your teeth!" Neptune randomly complimented.

The Iris paused for a bit but then grinned more. He then showed his red big Halo but it's kinda the opposite position of where it's suppose to be.

He then finally opened his little eyes.

His sharped nails grabbed Neptune's shoulder.

Neptune raised an eyebrow and still very oblivious of what's going to happen to him.

But then..
Neptune finally found out what's going on. His eyes widen.


The Sun was just checking his planets first before he takes a nap. He somehow didn't notice Neptune though.
He then got this random feeling that something is wrong.

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