caught (Mars x Earth again)

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Hey uh.. This is a draft.. So if you ever see me post it public pls don't give me hate If you don't like it.


BUT I have no idea what to post am in my writers block rn😞 and I have school this suck.

But hey this is so damn cringe PLS.
Why did I write this back then IT'S OLD AND CRUSTY(not really I love MARTH lmao)

(Humanized as usual)

Earth woke up feeling groggy, as usual, from his orbit. Nothing new on this day, is there?

He checked up on his moon, who was still sleeping, and decided not to bother him.

Earth then waited for something to happen or thought of what to do. Oh! What about his partner, Mars? He decided to go talk to him.

"Hey, Mars!" Earth went running to him and hugged immediately.

"Oh-" Mars got cut off when Earth hugged him. But he just hugged him back.

"Hey, Earth! So how are you?" Mars decided to do the usual greeting.

"Fine!" Earth then let go and just look at Mars, lovingly. (YEHEHEYWHHEH)

(A bit of time skip cause am lazy)

They started playing cards because there was nothing new today. "Maybe a day to hang out with your lover," that's what Earth thought.
Until Earth got this idea, even though they were partners, what if they both kissed on the mouth?

He was nervous to ask this. It is embarrassing to him,

"We are both partners!" Earth thought.

"Cmon, you can do this..breathe in and out.." Earth tries to calm himself.

"So Mars, can I ask you something?" Earth asked, first.

"Sure, what is it?" Mars look away from his cards and look at Earth.

"Errrrrm" Earth thinked of what to say, then he sigh.

"Um, have you ever..wondered if we.." Earth paused then quickly say it.


Mars was a bit surprised at that question, but he then think about it. They're both partners, of course. They do show affection by kissing, but it's only on the cheeks and foreheads, never on the mouth.

(I realized about lips though. AM CRYING)

Well, he then made a quick decision.

"Um, well I haven't tried to do that with you, before. So, yeah sure." Mars shrugs while smiling.

"Oh-oh wait really?" Earth is surprised by Mars answer, he thought he'd say no or maybe do that next time.

"Mhm, yeah"

"Like, no hesitations?"

"I mean sure, we haven't done that before and I was thinking to try that, " Mars answered.

"Also, first time for everything, Earth."


"Okay.." Earth thinks about what to do next. This is his first time kissing!

Like his first time! He can't believe it's happening.
Well it's happening now so..

He thought about the next step.
He goes a bit closer to Mars.

Earth is blushing a bit and is embarrassed.

Mars then also came close to earths face.
"Yeah this is awkward" earth thought.

Cmon, just do this quickly..

After a few seconds they finally kissed. Earth was screaming in the inside but also blushing a lot, while Mars just kissed Earth back and who is also blushing too yet smiling.

After one minute Earth and Mars let go and smiled at each other.

"Woah, that was..amazing!" Earth chuckled, he is definitely happy that this is happening. (Acting like he wasn't nervous about it a few minutes ago)

"Yeah, it is! Um.." Mars wondered what to do next. He surely want to play cards and continue but..

What if they continue doing more affections? They're dating after all.
So Mars decided to ask.

"Earth? Look, this is weird to me but, can I have more?" Mars sheepishly asked and grinned nervously.

"Wait what?" Earth jaw drop a bit then he look down and thought about this.
I mean he do wants more, secretly.

"Hmmm, okay..but just not too much alright?" Earth finally has the confidence to put his hands on Mars cheek just putting both of their faces close together.

"Sure, sure! Not too much." Mars smiled widely then kissed Earth immediately.

After 2 minutes they let go but then just kissed again.



And again..


"Hey guys! Have you two seen my newspaper-" Venus eyes widen a bit as he caught the two of them kissing passionately.

"Oh! Uh, hey Venus.." Mars grinned at Venus, embarrassed.

"Venus?!" Earth side eye then let to immediately.

"What the heck, guys?! Get a room! Or even go somewhere private! Like the asteroid belt..or something!" Venus, who's annoyed, exclaimed.

Mars put both of his hands up, apologizing.
"Sorry, sorry, Venus we'll go somewhere private" Mars answered

"I actually didn't expect this to go a bit too far at this.." Earth lastly said.

But hey? At least they didn't went TOO far at that. If they continued or Venus hadn't caught them.. I don't know what will happen.
(Don't get the wrong idea😡)

Bruh. Anyway, I hope myself reading this like it LMAO.


Words for adding a note.

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