Sun gotten suspicious (ancient time)

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I almost got like zero motivations and zero ideas. Until while reading my own chapter I just gotten an idea or inspired by my fellow first reader,

so instead here I also got inspired by a video of Sun getting suspicious on why NIBIRU(Planet X or Hades) is gone.



Gonna call him Nibiru now. Since I  searched up Planet X name and saw Nibiru💀 LIKE BRUH I SEARCH FIFTH GAS GIANT AND I SAW "Hades"

"Oh, no, no, no. What have I done.." Jupiter, who gotten nervous and scared as he looked at Nibiru's old orbit.

"No...what have WE done," Jupiter corrected himself in his thoughts.
That now. All will belong to Neptune, And all of a sudden it gotten stable.

"Saturn what do we do," He relied on his boyfriend, who's crossing his arms and thinking.

"Well, Jupiter, It was your idea!" Saturn furrowed his eyebrow and sighed, heavily. He then huffed and shaked Jupiter's shoulders slightly hard.

"Calm down, okay!? Am just stressed. I did not thought about this straightforward," Jupiter replied, as his pupils dilated.

Saturn face went sympathy for Jupiter. he patted his back.

"Let's just..." Saturn put his finger in his chin, thinking something.

"Keep it a secret!"

Jupiter's eyes widen.
"A-a secret?!" Jupiter doesn't know if thats a good idea. But he wouldn't want to get in trouble. Just imagine, he gets in trouble and then the Sun's reaction, everyone's reaction, even Gaia. (Proto-Earth) gotten mad at him. Well to his thought it will turned to an awful ending. He doesn't want anyone to be against him, right?

....welp A secret it Is.

Jupiter put his hand behind his neck, Then he made up.
"Fine, we should keep it in! Don't tell to anyone. JUST DONT-"

"I won't! Jupiter, don't forget I also been a part of this scheme, okay?" Saturn exclaimed, then briefly reminded.

"Oh yes, right." Jupiter responded, calming down. He breathe in and out to not panic of what he and Saturn just done.

They both thought it will end up fine.

They really thought if they just fight Nibiru and eject him away will be okay. Yet it turned to a bad start.

Nibiru isn't coming back.

That's why..

"Let's, just go back to our orbits," Jupiter said, he didn't want to continue talking or minding about their actions. He needed to forget them.

Jupiter grabbed Saturn's arm and left to their orbits. They do whatever they can do. They can talk to Gaia(-Earth). Well, he's the only one to ease down the big ones.

Theia isn't here..she's gone. Jupiter and Saturn had Earth and that's all they have now.

*meh whatever time itself is idk*

The Sun, who's a bit redish orange, Felt tired. He sighed, feeling bored from sitting or floating in the middle of where he is. He then decided to check or double check his planets to see if they're in good shape.

As usual, he thought they're going to be fine. Just one check and he'll go to sleep again.

....that is until he counted his planets, out of boredom.

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