Sun alone(kinda angst? idk🤷🏽‍♀️)

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Kinda au?

The Sun's eyes widen.

He's a red giant now, he expected for him to stay in his old usual balanced star youth longer. But it didn't.

It's too late.

He killed Mercury and Venus.. His own.. OWN planets.

Earth lost his life but the Sun's burning hit still killed him.

Jupiter, Saturn, and the others run away out of fear, and for Mars? He also did too.

This isn't what the Sun wanted.

(Acting like he didn't threaten his own planets about killing them all LMAO)

The Sun looks at everywhere trying to find his planets, but there is none.

They're all gone.

He was abandoned.

"The- they're gone? ALL OF THEM!?" The Sun exclaimed, panicking. He doesn't want to be alone..

"I- I killed them.." sun said, feeling immense guilt and felt like tearing up.

"Guys? I'm sorry! PLEASE, come back! I didn't intentionally do this!" The Sun begged, still in denial that someone was there.

(Sorry if am bad at angst guys)

The sun just stands there, still glowing with light, yet alone.

He's stuck like this with no one and NOONE here with him. To talk to him at all.

The Sun kept on crying quietly.
He just waited for something good to change all of his loneliness. JUST ONE THING..

Guess he's stuck like this for a while now or maybe.. Even forever until he dies.


Sorry am bad at angst anyway! I did this for the request! I forgot the name though but if the person who request it and saw this, I hope you like it! Maybe🤷🏽‍♀️ beside I can't make longer chapters am stuck with the author curse/hj


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