A tint comfort(Uranus x Hades)

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It was requested by someone that I couldn't mentioned on this app cause it glitched...bruh.

Also this isn't an excuse for me to write ancient times again. because it's a request! Yep.

😁humanized because I want to imagine Hades in some cool HUMANIZATION form after I see a cool fanart of him. EHHEHEHEH😍

Same old times...

The old(proto)Sun was looking at his planets. Just been born newly.
The sun though knows there has been extra more planets there but it disappeared, randomly.

(Jupi ate them and some turn into Saturn's rings very secretly)

The redish orange Sun shrugged then went back to watching his planets. A new usual routine he made!


"Hmm," Hades quietly hummed as he watches (proto) Jupiter talking to his best friend, (proto) Saturn. He was eavesdropping them because why not? He's suspicious and hate them at the same time.

Fun fact:Hades is doing that goofy ass usual expression from what you see at the end of the "Jupiter is missing" episode.

"Say, wanna know about the little guy, Gaia?" Jupiter mentioned (proto)Earth, his favorite.

"Oh! How I loved that Rocky planet! He's so adorable and so kind to us..."

"Mhm, I can tell he is very kind. The reason why I'll spare him," Jupiter nudges you.

Saturn stayed quiet for a bit then raised an eyebrow,


Jupiter nodded at him. Then whispered to him something. That Hades couldn't hear but is extra suspicious.

But Hades could tell. Jupiter did some crime again that made Saturn a little shock but not surprised. Well Saturn already knows Jupiter's crimes, only because he let him done it and also helped him.

Then Jupiter grabbed Saturn's arm dragging him somewhere. They were going to have a little private chat.

Hades didn't went to spy on them. He didn't want to approach Jupiter because he's tired of his bullcrap.

Until Hades felt like his orbit went stable after Jupiter is gone. He raised an eyebrow after that. But he doesn't mind because he doesn't care.

"Heya, mate!" Uranus voiced made him turned.

"Oh, Uranus!" Hades immediately went to him to talk about theories.

"So, what is it? You look like you have something to tell me," Uranus guessed, correctly.

"I accidentally heard what Jupiter said, after his conversation with Saturn," Hades briefly replied.

"How so?" Uranus raised an eyebrow. Then put his hand on hips.

"Your not eavesdropping are ya? Because you dislike him-"

He cuts him off.

"AM NOT EAVESDROPPING!...kinda," Hades put his hand behind his neck, nervously.

"Seriously, mate?" Uranus face palm.

"Okay, look..you do know I hated both of them so much-"

"Well, that's not an excuse to be disrespectful over a private conversation!" Uranus protested.

Hades look at Uranus eyes for a minute. Gazing at him and his expression, then he sighed.

"Fine, am sorry...I just feel suspicious about the both of them," He apologized immediately.

Uranus stayed quiet. Also looking at him.

"Cmon, mate. How about you relax for a minute. Or else you'd be stressed out over some..thing," Uranus grabbed Hades arm and made him sit beside him in his orbit.

After that, Hades sigh.

"It isn't a " something" Uranus! It's bigger then that," Hades crossed his arms after sitting down with him.

"I want Jupiter and Saturn to have their crimes acknowledged or punished! Because how could someone GET AWAY WITH IT AFTER MURDERING PROTO PLANETS THAT JUST BEEN...BORN?!" He accidentally exclaimed trying to explain it properly to Uranus.

He looked over Uranus reaction, in surprised yet disgusted.

"Okay, calm down! But...he murdered planets that just been born?" Uranus repeated.

"Hades, we can't just jump into conclusions-"

"NO! Not even you could understand what's going on.."


They both stayed quiet for a minute. Feeling the atmosphere getting awkward.

Uranus side eye to check if Hades is alright. But noticed he's just tired of it.

"If ya need space you can leave," Uranus soften his word.

Hades shake his head.
"No, that's fine. I'll stay here with you instead," He then put his head against Uranus. Not really caring that they both had a little argument.


"Oh, well that's fine bud," Uranus smiled back at him.

He then slowly put his hand on Hades left shoulder puting him close.

Maybe he does need a little rest.


"I found out a little "friendship" thing uh," he randomly say awkwardly.

"Yeah, mate?" Uranus raised an eyebrow looking at him Hades.

"Well- um-" Hades stuttered a little trying to reply this out non awkwardly.

Uranus could tell Hades was blushing a bit.

Before Hades could say anything or confessed Neptune barged in.

"HEYA, GUYS!" Neptune did a loud greeting.

"Neptune, buddy. Toned down a bit!" Uranus replied, in a nervous tone.

Hades rolled his eyes and sigh.

"Maybe next time," he thought.


Sorry if it isn't much of a big affection ship. I couldn't ship Hades with anyone tbh😔 BUT I uh tried..

Also am busy sorri if it's rush bruh kskdkw
Sorri and hope ya like it requester!


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