Break up for what?(Tri x Io x Gan)

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Uerm...... Hope some of you other readers don't mind this. IT'S A RAREPAIR AND I LOVE RAREPAIRS🔥

Oh and a request to feed that one shipper! Lol



Jupiter is too busy reading a book, he was in a peaceful mood. But he didn't notice there were some little drama under his moons orbiting around him.

Well he's a big guy, of course he wouldn't notice to fix the problem. Beside the problem is a bit embarrassing.


"Really, Ganymede?" Callisto blankly responded, she's a tiny bit surprised yet didn't care in the inside.

Ganymede look at her a bit anxious to fix the problem. He doesn't want to tell anyone except Callisto. Because he thinks she's the only one to help him.

"So your saying you want to break up with Europa for Io and Triton, But you don't want to break up with her at all?" Callisto crossed her arms as she repeated, feeling a bit disappointed at him yet didn't care at all.

"Well yeah, That's the problem! I mean she's great and all but Io and Triton looks better not gonna lie," Ganymede put a smirk on his face later on.

Callisto rolled her eyes and sighed deeply, well she cares enough to help him.

'Ganymede your literally cheating on your girlfriend' thought Callisto, she isn't going to say it out loud. Because Ganymede is too dumb.

"Then just break up with her," Callisto shrugged at her advice.

Ganymede shaked his head, furiously.

"WHAT?! Callisto your suppose to help me here..I can't just break up with her! She'll be-"

"That's the point. Every break up, people might be either mad or sad, but they'll move on, eventually." Callisto explained briefly, she didn't had any relationship experience before yet Ganymede needed her advice.

"Can't you see how hard that is, Callisto?!" Ganymede sigh then put his hand on his hips.

"Fine, I'll try, it's probably gonna be easy..just break up with her then leave." Ganymede proudly walked away from Callisto, who's staring at him blankly.

As Ganymede notice Europa sitting in her invisible orbit, he gotten all nervous.

But then he stopped when he's almost coming closer to her.

"What's the point?! She'll be furious when she finds out that i-" Ganymede paused.

"And...broke up with her over that." He finished, in a nervous tone.

Ganymede sighed deeply, he then notice Io far away. Enjoying his time with Triton, who managed to come all across from Neptunes orbit to Jupiter's for him.

Ganymede smirked at them, but then went out to a frown when he remembered about Europa.

"F**k?! just go to Europa and then leave." He thought, he then furiously went forward to Europa's orbit. Then stopped he when managed to make it.

Europa noticed him then put her hand on her hip.
"Oh, Ganymede, Where have you been?" Europa asked, brushing her skirt and looking at him, suspiciously.

Ganymede stayed quiet, feeling his nervousness coming back again.

"Uh- okay, Babe. I have something to say," Ganymede grinned, it looked fake but Europa didn't care. She just wants to know what Ganymede wants now.

Ganymede held Europa's hand and smiled at her softly.

"I want to break up with you." Ganymede proudly say.

"..WHAT." Europa turned her expression into anger.

"Okayy, bye!" Ganymede let go of her hand quickly then ran away.

"GANYMEDE, COME BACK THIS CONVERSATION ISN'T OVER?!" Europa felt her ice interior hardened and her eyes are turning red.

(I see red when am mad😡 HELPPP)

As Ganymede felt like he was getting chased by his ex-girlfriend. He managed to get away with it, all thanks to Callisto stopping her and took a few seconds to notice.

He then sighed, relieved that it's over. He then put out a thumbs up to Callisto, as a thank you. But Callisto rolled her eyes and gestured her hands to go now.

Ganymede put his hand on his hips, proudly. He noticed Io putting his head against Triton, who's smiling a bit. But he did notice Neptunes other moons playing around in the background but he didn't care about that.

Triton noticed Ganymede and lift up his sunglasses to check then put it down.

"What's up, guys" Ganymede sat down beside them.

"Hey," Triton quietly greeted, then he put his hand wrapped around Io's waist.

"What took you so long anyway?" Triton asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Oh, just..fixing something before coming back here," Ganymede said.

Triton frowned.

"Let me guess you broke up with, Europa?" Triton noticed.

"Hell yeah I did!" Ganymede proudly answered then notice that isn't a good thing to say.

"Uhm, ahem. Yeah I did" he corrected of how he responded.

"Well, how did it go?" Triton asked, raising an eyebrow.

"So, she gotten mad but managed to calm down thanks to Callisto, then now I have all the time I need with you guys," Ganymede explained then his voice softened at the end.

"I guess, that's great." Triton shrugged. He kept Io a bit close, he didn't really know how to react with the whole Europa got dumbed incident.

"Yeah I know can I join you guys now?" Ganymede quickly changed the topic then went a bit close to Triton then put his head against Triton's shoulder.


"UGH?!? I CAN'T BELIEVE IT?!" Europa stomped her feet, furiously. If there was a floor in space her fancy boots be making sounds.

"He broke up with me over that?! How could he!" Europa grabbed Callisto's collar then cry a bit.

Callisto doesn't know how to handle this situation but she do know how to comfort her just a little.

Callisto sighed deeply, when she let Europa hugged her and cried into her arms.

She's not used to this type of stuff but she didn't care yet a bit surprised.

Callisto hug her back slightly. That made Europa stopped crying, she was calming down.

"Huh, I didn't know you can be nice to me, Callisto," Europa sneak in a quiet chuckle.

Callisto did an annoyed groaned.

"Just shut up, Europa."


Uhhhhhhhhhhhh that's all I got. And goofy asf...BYEEEEEE-💥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


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