fight. (ft. Planet X etc.

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uHmmmmmm. Why no one feeding y'all stories😭 anyway Why do I like making ancient past of the solar system fanfics bruh? SJAHDKKSJS

Oh! And I had a new headcanon this will contain ONE ship lol.

Uh how do I start it? OH ANCIENT SUN.

Erm warnings:arguing stuff idk what else.

"ACHOO-" Sun,who's younger and a bit darkish yellow(whatever his ancient color is), accidentally blow a solar flare at his dear(proto) Mercury, that his surface is kinda different then from present.

"AH- why you do that!" Mercury pouted, not understanding that Sun's solar flares are a part of him, thinking that he just done it on purpose.

"Am sorry! I asure you it isn't on purpose," Sun felt nervous, he dislikes his solar flares a bit. He doesn't like hurting his planets.

(Erm wait till you use it for discipline💥💥)

"...fine," Mercury sighed and shrugged, he then sit down and continued orbiting his new found Sun. Since it's his first year of orbiting him.

Then Mercury turned to see Venus and the others. Mercury grinned and quickly went to them, leaving his orbit. Well the Sun doesn't give 2 or 10 craps about it. Uhm, before he learned his lesson.


"Hey, Venus!" Mercury waved as he went closer to the group, he happily smiled at them.

"Hey, little guy," Venus, who's hair is floating with the beauty of his water. And he's wearing a little water lily hat.

"Oh, Mercury! Nice to see you," Theia waved at him, her and (proto-Earth or called,) Gaia's arm chained together.

(Whatever you call that action💀)

Mercury smiled at the group.

"So what are you both talking about-" Mercury words got cut off guard, as soon he heard Jupiter's loud voice of tone went up on Planet X, or who you call now, Hades.

"That...." Theia responded, slightly annoyed that little argument is scaring, Gaia.

"I wonder whatever they're arguing about," Mars came in, with a confused look.

"I know! They've been arguing about it for like a few minutes," Theia's face is in concerned.

Though Gaia has a thinking expression, he isn't self aware that he's the favorite. And that he decided to theory about something.

"Maybe he's mad at Hades because he called him fat," Gaia casually say.

"Gaia! What?!" Theia raised an eyebrow surprised. Venus had a confused look, Mercury and Mars are also surprised.

"Well, I.." Gaia nervously look at them then think.

"Hades is a bit mean at Jupiter, I heard him say a few words," Gaia responded, then shrugged a bit.

Theia sighed, then patted his head gently.

"Is that so?" The voice of Jupiter's tone sounded firm. He heard what Gaia said.

Gaia gotten afraid and cling unto Theia.

Jupiter's face expression went back to usual yet he put his hand on hip.
"Don't worry, am not mad at you guys. Am surprised that someone here," Jupiter side-eye to Hades, who's furrowing his eyebrow.

"Called me...fat,"

Neptune, who's with Uranus, Raised an eyebrow.
"Jupiter doesn't look fat to me! You look like you have OCD or something," Neptune giggled. As he replied to Jupiter about it, after saying something random.

"OCD? You mean Obesity right?" Hades "corrected" as he answered, sarcastically.

Everyone gasp. Theia grabbed Gaia's arm and left with the group to go far from the argument.

"excuse me?" Jupiter turned to Hades, with his face stern.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" Saturn shouted a bit. A bit annoyed.

"Do you know who I am?" Jupiter looked strict as he went closer to Hades distance. Meanwhile Saturn smirked.

Uranus just jaw drop a bit, And Neptune just blink in confusion.

"Oh, you? A favoritism Fatass?" Hades eyes are half shut. Looking annoyed at him. He doesn't not give a crap about the consequences except he doesn't know about the ejection of your home in the future.

I actually want to joke around but nvm. It will ruin this moment BRUH

"Oh, OH! Now I see what your doing here, trying to annoy me eh?" Jupiter crossed his arms, looking down at Hades, disgusted.

"Hmm, Saturn is more annoying then you actually," Hades responded, rolling his eyes.

Saturn gasp a bit. He turned his hands into fist ready to kill Him.

"Keep my boyfriend's name out of YOUR disgusting mouth!" Jupiter grabbed Hades collar. He was about to slap him.

"Hey! Get off!" Hades gritted his teeth.

"You listen here. This all happen over thing. You fix your messy axis orbit right now, or we'll have to meet some problems later," Jupiter explained, then he strictly eyed at him.

his grip is getting stronger. Almost hurting his throat. Uranus felt like he needed to stop this situation happening. But he can't or else he's next to be beaten for no reason-

"HEY! what's going on!" The Sun came in, calling out. As he crossed his arms.

"Oh, Sun," Jupiter let go. Leaving Hades a bit injured.

"What did I told y'all about violence! Keep it away and go back to do your own things," Sun scolded a bit. Then he went back staring at them incase they won't cause any drama.

Saturn huffed, and hardened his fists.

"Cmon, Sat," Jupiter sighed, put his hand around Saturn's shoulder and left.

Before Hades walk away with Uranus and Neptune, who's talking about what happened earlier, Jupiter poked Hades forehead, leaving him in annoyance and frustration.

"You should really stop talking back, mate. I don't know what will happen if Jupiter tried to beat you up. Meanwhile Saturn could even join in," Uranus replied to Hades.

He didn't look at an inch at Uranus and Neptune. Just thinking.

"Then how about you guys came in and help,"

"I mean we could! But it will leave you injured," Uranus protest.

"Well, how about you just try to listen to Uranus about safety! Group comfort hug," Neptune hugged the both of them.

"Eh, Neptune.." Uranus sigh, then he hugged back.

Though Hades is still thinking. He felt something is wrong.


Meanwhile Saturn and Jupiter were having a talk.

"Don't worry Sat. Gaia will be fine," Jupiter patted Saturn's shoulder.

"Ohh, okay. But if something happened to him I'LL EAT ANYONE WHO HURT HIM!" Saturn outburst then just lay down, feeling tired.

"Of course, as usual," Jupiter smiled, yet furrowing his eyebrow.


Uhh yeah so... Like that's it. After planet X play around his orbit of the axis..
Ya know.

Astroid almost hurt proto-Earth, Jupi protects, jupi gets mad, Sat gets mad, they evilly partners in crime ejected Hades. Other stuff.

Angst etc.

Anyway hope y'all like this! It's kinda cringe sorri💀



Gotta correct a few things even update it💀

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