painting gift Uranus x Earth part 2

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Erm what the flip. WHY DID IT RESET? Y'all pretend I didn't just left this book with no chapters for a few days lol. Ig


Balls or human?

Few days past. Earth and Uranus are just friends. Since Uranus managed to send back a letter to him. Then turned around a good conversation. It made Uranus blush a bit from all those letters sent from Earth. After sometime, wanted to go a bit closer to him. So he just decided to give him a gift.

Uranus sighed, then look at Earth from the long distance. How long he's been crushing over him? I mean it's no longer a small crush anymore.
It's kinda a big one. And Uranus is very nervous on giving Earth a painting of him.

"You can do this, just give him the painting then leave back to your orbit," Uranus said to himself, he looked up just to see Earth a tiny bit close by since he's traveling all to him

Uranus gritted his teeth then sigh again. He do notice Saturn and Jupiter aren't here. Guess their orbit is far a bit. But that's bad he need their..secret helpful advice.

As Uranus almost went to the asteroid belt, he felt hot, Then he step back a few times, and just called out for Earth.

"Hey! Uh, mate!" Uranus grinned, nervously.

(What a loser)

Earth turned around in his orbit. He was talking to his moon Luna. Till it got interrupted by Uranus.

"Oh, Uranus. What are you doing here?" Earth went in a bit closer but almost at the edge of the goldlilock. Just to hear him a bit better. He smiled at him and waved.

Uranus stayed quiet for a few seconds, staring at Earth's appearance and how he greets. He liked him a lot.
"I uh, read your latest letter. About how am special.." Uranus blushed a bit more.

Earth waited patiently for Uranus response. But he do felt curious of whatever Uranus is talking about.

"I didn't manage to sent a letter back. But I was too busy making a gift for ya," Uranus finally responded, feeling a bit awkward leaving him waiting.

"A-a gift for me? Thank you!" Earth's eyes lit up a bit and immediately became thankful. Meanwhile his Moon, Luna. Is curious.
"So what is it the gift?"

Uranus sigh. He hoped he likes it. If he didn't Uranus would be devastated. Or probably kept on working to be better. Just for him, a tiny bit.

Uranus showed the painting immediately, It's very detailed, manage to paint him properly of him, and never leave one thing missing about him. And the background lighting behind Earth is beautiful in the painting.

"I-i made it for ya, I hope you like it as much as I do," Uranus quietly respond, shyly.

It's just perfect to Earth, who's also jaw dropping a bit including his Moon.

"Wow, I never knew you would paint me like this! Thank you so much," Earth grinned at him.

Uranus blushed more and nodded.

"Yeah your welcome, mate. You can keep it too," added Uranus.

"Really, of me? That is very nice of you," Earth again softly smiled at him.

Uranus noticed he had to go back or else he get his icy surface blown up by a solar flare.

Uranus frowned, he wanted to chat with him more often in face to face. Well, maybe another time.

"I have to go, uh, see ya mate!"

"Wait, I thought we could talk more often here?" Earth protested.

"Nah, ya know about the Sun. He'll blow me up if I don't go back," Uranus explained, briefly. Though in the inside he's getting excited talking to him.

"Okay, well see you, again. I'll make sure to sent more letters!" Earth waved his hand up high.

Uranus smiled at him then turned to leave. That was a nice moment. Though he wanted more.

Meanwhile Earth is back in his usual position in his orbit, staring at the painting, he smiled.

He wanted to talk about it with Luna.

"Moon, could you see how surprising it is for someone to paint me! I didn't know Uranus is an artist," Earth turned to him, in enthusiasm.

"Yeah, I mean he always is. Didn't he mentioned it once in the letter a few days ago?" Moon stated.

"Oh, I probably missed that part! But all I know is that he's a great artist. A very good one. He look like he took a lot of skill, he's so talented," Earth talked positively about Uranus.

Moon nodded, feeling a bit curious of what's going on with Uranus.

"I wish I could talked about it with him face to face," Earth said.

"Maybe, you can! Someday," Moon responded, smiling a bit.

Earth turned to him, smiling back. He loved how caring his little brother figure is.

"Yeah your right,

anyway I should make another letter for him,"

For my little headcanon, if Uranus liked anyone that badly. He'd paint someone so detailed and perfectly and not miss anything from them. He also not missed any part on Earth's letter too. Because he liked him.

UHHH ANYWAY THAT'S IT. SORRII if it's short fudge.


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