eating earthling food(theres more)

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Again, I made this for fun. Also I ran out of ideas help😭😭

"So, this is an earthling thing?" Earth look at the vegetable salad on his plate.

(It's in space by the way but not tiny though lol)

"I don't know. Your the expert of earthlings, Earth why don't you know?" Venus replied and then asked.

"Well, I do have earthlings but I don't ALWAYS know what they do, okay?" Earth corrected and answered why.

"Maybe, you have to eat it, " Mars guessed. Then Earth's eyes widen as he remembered.

"Oh yeah! My earthlings usually eat these that is on my surface because that is what they need, right?" Earth explained.

"Hmm, you haven't tried earthling foods so..maybe try it?" Mars suggest.

"Welll, okay fine. I'll try." Earth then look at the fork at the left then think.

"Is that used to get stuff on the plate?" Earth thought.
He then grabbed the fork and then slowly poke the vegetable salad.

"Cmon, hurry up!" Venus impatiently said.

"Hold on, okay?" Earth replied to him a bit annoyed.

Then after a few seconds he manages to eat the salad.

"...mmm! It's delicious, " Earth muffled and continue eating it.

"Really? Never knew earthlings can cook so well!" Mars stated.

"I mean they are resourceful right?" Venus guessed.

"Well I guess they are! No wonder why the survived a lot on my surface," Earth continued eating it.

"Hey, let me try! You make it sound so good I want to have a bite!" Mars say.

"Well, sure! It's very delicious and cooked well!" Earth gives Mars the fork and let him try.

"So, it's like this right?" Mars manages to correctly grabbed the fork.

"Yeah, I guess!" Earth shrugged.

"Hmm, after he tried it can I too?" Venus awkwardly asked.

"I mean you all can! It is tasty!" Earth thumbs up and smiled.

( would it be a bit gay if Earth just feed Mars once? Because I almost gone to that idea😅)

After Mars took a bite on the salad that is on the fork he smiled widely.

"Woah, that is really delicious! But it's kinda going cold though.." Mars stated.

"Then maybe we should hurry up, " suggested Earth.

After Venus, Earth, and Mars continued eating the first bowl of salad it's finished now.

"Jeez, am full after eating it, it sure is tasty though" Mars chuckled.

" too, " Venus rolled his eyes.
Then Earth just smiled at the two.

"Hey, guys! What are you three up to?" Jupiter waved and look at them. To be honest he's so big that it created a shadow on the trio.

"Hey, Jupiter! We just tried an earthling food that Earth randomly has." Mars explained then think.

"Wait how did Earth had it-"

"Ooo! An earthling food? How was it? And what's it called?" Jupiter was a bit interested.

"It's called a..vegetable salad? Is that right?" Earth answered.

"And it taste good, " Venus say.

"Oh I would love to try that vegetable salad! But too bad it ran out, " Jupiter sigh in defeat but then shrugged.

"Don't worry, Jupiter! Maybe we'll get another one..that's a bit for your sized!" Earth assured.

"If we randomly have one..hey guys! do you know where the vegetable salad are from?" Earth asked his friends.

Mars and Venus shrugged.

"Actually, what I was going to asked, where did it come from?" Mars finally asked.

"I don't know it randomly in front of me the last time I found it." Earth answered.

"So it magically came out of no where?" Venus guessed.

"Probably, " Mars and Earth said.

"Well, I don't believe a thing could magically appeared but it also happened when you and Mars get right?" Jupiter asked, as he randomly went detective mode(not really)

"Y-yeah! It came out of nowhere too!" Earth answered and nodded.

"Hmm, so my theory is that someone might be performing magic, right? And it's possible that it became so big that it ended up here!" Jupiter guessed.

Venus raised an eyebrow.
"So, what you guys are saying.. That magic is real?" Stated Venus.

"Probably!" Mars chuckled again.

"Well this sure is... Unique and new information we had." Earth didn't know what to say next.

"So what now?"

"I don't know."

"Hey, what's that?" Earth noticed something.

He pointed at a big ahh sushi.
That sushi is called bit big for the trio but big enough for Jupiter to eat it.

"Hey, Jupiter! I think another earthling food came in!"

"Cool! Can I eat it?"

"I mean it's out of nowhere so.." Earth shrugged. Jupiter happily munched on it.

"Jeez, Earthling foods are very tasty! It is quite fascinating actually," Jupiter stated his opinion then continued eating it.

"Heh, well enjoy eating it while ya can Jupiter!" Mars called out and thumbs up.

"Anyway wanna play cards?"


"I don't see why not"

Yeah I got bored and done this.. I LITERALLY RAN OUT OF IDEAS...😭😭😭 can yall give me ideas pls


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