Guerllmo died

622 18 22

Random crap chapter😭 is literally random because am trying to come up with something


Neptune looked at his imaginary friend asteroid, Guerllmo.

"Hey, there Guerllmo! So how're ya?" Neptune greeted the rock and waited for it to respond.
Well his delusions pretended it responded.

"Nice am good as well! Hey? Do you know what we should do?" Neptune answers it, then paused to surprised the non-living asteroid.

"We should visit Uranus!" Neptune waved up his hands excitedly.

"....."(idgaf Neptune but okay) Guerllmo said nothing.


Neptune picked up the asteroid and carried it, then floated away. After he left the Kuiper belt, he managed to find Uranus and called out to him from behind.

" hey, Uranus! Look who I have?" Neptune showed his imaginary friend, Guerllmo.

Uranus look up after drawing on his sketchpad.
"The..asteroid?" Uranus raised an eyebrow, a bit in confusion.

"Look at him!" Neptune shoved Guerllmo to Uranus face.

"Neptune!" Uranus took the asteroid and look at it.

It was a horribly drawn blue grinning face and some of its eyes and its  mouth are dripping from the blue paint yet it's dried though.

Uranus furrowed his eyebrow.
Well it shouldn't be that bad.. Neptune's art skills are bad though.

"Uh, cool mate." Uranus shrugged and gave it back to Neptune. Neptune smiled, showing a bit of his tongue slipped out of his lips.

"So, am kinda.. Veryy bored, Neptune. Wanna paint with me-" Uranus cut off guard when Neptune's imaginary friend asteroid exploded.

"Guerllmo?" Neptune turned his head to the side as guerllmo the asteroid broke into pieces.

Some of its pieces were floating around in Neptune's arms.

"Hey, Uranus? What happened to Guerllmo?" Neptune asked, his happy expression faded to a confused one.

"Well-" Uranus scoffed.

"It-it exploded and..broke?" Uranus answered, confusedly.


"It..broke?" Nepune repeated in a realized slightly sad tone.

"So it broke?" Neptune tilted his head.

"Guerllmo died?"

Uranus side eye feeling concerned for Neptune's reaction.

"Uhm, yeah-"

Neptune exploded out of sadness.

IT'S A CRAP RANDOM POST I HAVE NO IDEAS😭(except ideas of ships so..🤷🏽‍♀️)


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