Uranus chronically online

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UHHH SORRY FOR NOT UPLOADING FOR THE PAST 4 DAYS. am sick and I feel like the healing is taking forever.

ANYWAY ama make Uranus angysad idk. But this looks kinda boring

I think I might get art block because I haven't been writing but oh well🤷🏽‍♀️

(Lots of headcanon kinda)

The Sun was shining brighter then usual. Half of the planets are doing their own things.

Meanwhile Uranus was currently painting on a canva. He was helding the edge of it a bit hard because he was focusing on it too much.

He didn't really like it on how it turned out when he first started it. But he believed in 'trust the process' like how he heard on the internet of his laptop. It does started to get a little better on painting a detailed version of the inside of an ocean. He wanted to paint an imagination of how Earth's inside ocean would be.

He wanted to make it beautiful, perfect, and even. But he started to dislike when he is almost finish.

Uranus  groaned and drop the paintbrush out of annoyance and how tired his hands were. He's been painting on it for the past 8 hours.

"The bloody hell is this? As soon as it's almost done it looks almost like trash!" He insulted his own work, that actually look too majestic.

Uranus sighed he didn't want to finish it right now. He felt tired.

He then grabbed his brown notebook out and started turning in the pages if there's any extra spaces for him to either vent or doodle.

As there is, he started writing it a few times then stopped for a quick minute on the internet. He wanted to relax and just go on his computer for hours.

He just wanted one thing, he hoped no one is making fun of his name this time. Or even called him basic ahh design.

If he did saw it or even seen a tiny reference about it, it will ruin his whole day.

He could use some socializing.
Because he hasn't socialize with anyone for half a week, ever since Sun managed to convince everyone to stay in their orbits.

But Neptune is too busy with his asteroid friends. He's busy hanging out with them.

That made Uranus notice that he's gone for too long. Well..to him.

"Hey, where's Neptune?" Uranus asked himself then look around. He's a bit worried, he can just go to the kuiper belt and check but he can't break the Sun's rule or else his surface will melt.

Uranus sighed deeply. He then continued scrolling through the internet on his computer, bored, while his fingers are on his cheek.

He did seen a lot of comments about the pictures of space. He also notice people talking about the planets design.

And then there's a picture of him.

Uranus raised an eyebrow.

"Okay who send one of these bloody space robots to take pictures without my consent?" Uranus rolled his eyes.

"Earthlings..." Uranus frowned, then smile a tiny bit.

He hoped some people liked him as a planet and not known for a stinky surface or his weird name.

Guess what he did? Some people were making dirty jokes about him.

Uranus scrolled through the comments about him non stop.

He was annoyed at every single comments. He would have stopped using his computet in the first place if he ever seen one. But no, he wanted to see if anyone liked him just a bit.

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