Neptune and Uranus hang out

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(Short story and for fun because am bored)

Neptune decided to go see Uranus again. So he grabbed Guerllmo his asteroid imaginary friend rock with him. He already introduced it with Uranus 10 times already but he forgotten it again.

"Hey, Uranus!" Neptune waved with Guerllmo in his hand.

Uranus then quickly hid his diary whatever he is writing then turned to him.

"Oh hey, mate-" *Uranus look down on Guerllmo then to Neptune's face.

"Let me guess your going to introduced your 'friend' Guerllmo to me, " Uranus says while his eyes look tired but not really.

"Yeah! How did you know?"

"Because you've been showing it to me 10 times already! Remember that?"

"Remember what?" Neptune just kept a smile then sits down with him.

Uranus groaned out of annoyance.
"Forget it."

"Also I've been thinking about this, so.." Uranus looks at Neptune wanting to tell him something that is a little bit strange to him.

"Sure! What's on your mind?" Neptune waits curiously at Uranus.

"Have you like seen anything strange lately? Like there's a drama here but we aren't involve in Saturn has been talking about how he isn't friends with Jupiter anymore and suddenly two planets disappear..i think they're called Mars and Venus..i guess" Uranus explained to him probably the only one to talk to about what's been bothering him.

"Well, I don't know who's Mars and Venus are but I think they must be hiding in the asteroid belts or something." Neptune says being oblivious.

"But.." Neptune did a tiny gasp.

"Jupiter and Saturn aren't friends anymore?" Neptune raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah they aren't. Maybe a stupid fight got them seperated." Uranus guessed probably correctly.

"Oh? So what's the fight about?" Neptune asked while keeping Guerllmo with him tightly.

"I guess..about Saturn annoying Jupiter and other..uh stuff" Uranus shrugs.

"I guess this Solar System has gone upside down..not literally upside down it's like things are a bad way" Uranus sigh.

"I don't really know what the blaze is happening but I just hope we are not next to be involve" Uranus looks at Neptune smiling.

"Okay, Uranus! Let's try not to be involve in anything wrong!" Neptune sits there and notice Uranus diary floating in front of him.

"Hey! Look a book!"


Sorry if it's cringe. I made this for fun.

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