Uranus humanised life

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Uhhhh so Uranus is born in the human World AU AU AU AU AU AU WHERE ALL PLANETS, MOONS, DWARFS, CELESTIALS, HUMAN. y'know y'know.

SO LIKE IDK Just them waking up and the plot is that Neptune tries to eat glass and he's also dyslexic/hj

And that Uranus had to have a slight busy day with his crutch.

As the Sun, rises. The light of it shined right in front of the window inside of the Ice giants bedroom.

Uranus woke up, groggily, because he stayed up until midnight. He stared at the wall for a few seconds before turning his head to see Neptune's bed beside him.

It was empty. Yet the bed sheets are wrinkled and the blanket hadn't been folded.

He raised an eyebrow. Neptune probably woke up first and didn't even clean his bed yet.

Uranus had to remind him like everyday.

Then there was some noises in the kitchen.

"Oh what have he done now?" Uranus sighed, tiredly. He then moved his hand to where his crutch is before slowly standing up to look for him.

But he cleaned his bed first before quickly going to the kitchen.


"Good morning, Uranus!" Neptune waved while standing beside a broken glass.

There were glass pieces everywhere.

Uranus groaned in annoyance as a response.

'When I just woken up this morning.' He thought.

They had no brooms since it broke thanks to Neptune's little cousins/moons.

"Neptune how the bloody hell did this happened?!" Uranus asked, as he slowly put down his crutch moved to his knees on the ground then carefully pick up those glass pieces.

Neptune helped him pick it up.

"I wanted juice! Then I uh accidentally trip by some of it and it left a scratch," Neptune showed his slight bleeding wound on his knee.

Uranus eyes widen.

"WHAT, Neptune ,mate, you could have just waken me up to ask!" He added, after putting the glass pieces on the table counter.

Thankfully it was close to it or else Uranus had to work with his crutch of picking these broken glass pieces up.

"But you get mad every time I wake you up!" Neptune excused as a response, while smiling.

Uranus stared at him then he sigh after a few seconds.

"Fair point, but you kept shaking me a lot, mate! Y'know it makes me a bit cranky everytime I wake up." Uranus slowly stand up carefully with his crutch before throwing the glass pieces unto the trash.

Neptune was still helding the broken pieces of glass.

That made Uranus turned to him in confusion.

"Hey, Nep? Could you pass it to me carefully, please?" He asked.

"Hey, Uranus? Are these edible?" Neptune responded with a question while staring unto the broken glass pieces on his hands.

"No? Of course not, mate! Who told you that?" Uranus sighed, then slowly went towards him to get the glass.

Until Neptune tried to eat it.

"HEY, WAIT, NEPTUNE SPIT IT OUT-" Uranus was cut off guard of what happened.

Neptune already put it in his mouth.

"NO SPIT IT OUT!?" Uranus outburst, then immediately tried to open Neptune's mouth.

After ice giants made a lot of noises inside the house at the middle of the morning, as usual.

Neptune spit out the glass pieces. His chin was bleeding a bit.

"Taste like glass!" Neptune giggled.

Uranus stared at him, disgusted and concerned. He held his crutch tightly then sigh.

As the ice giants had their routine,
Neptune was sitting on the couch with an opened med kit on his hand.

Uranus was carefully trying to bandaged up the wound while sitting on the couch. He then put a little bandage on Neptune's chin.

"I guess that's about it, next time you ask alright, mate? Because ya know these sharp glass pieces can harm ya!" Uranus explained briefly. He's kinda tired even though it's only been slight half of the day.

"Sure, Uranus, I'll keep your word in touch!" Neptune grinned. Then he kept his big Rock, Guillermo beside him.

Uranus layed back, relaxed that it's over now. Until he realized today is the Sun's picnic-at-the-park.

"FOCK, why did I remember it just now!" Uranus quickly grabbed his crutch and managed to go to his bedroom immediately.

"Remember what!" Neptune called out.

Uranus would probably help him get ready later.

As he quickly redress on the bed to get ready he heard a phone call. Uranus rolled his eyes then answered it.

It was Jupiter,

"Hey, so are you guys ready? Because am about to pick you 2 up-"

"Not yet I haven't dress up yet, wait!" Uranus cut him off words with an annoyed tone.

"oh, don't worry I can give you guys time. But the Sun doesn't like waiting for too long so you two better be quick," Jupiter responded, a bit unfortunate.

"Yep, pressure on this day ought to do it." Uranus added, with another annoyed tone.

Before Jupiter can asked about Neptune or how the both of them are doing, Uranus off the call immediately.

As he finally redress. He grabbed his crutch and tried to run towards to Neptune.

"HURRY NEPTUNE REDRESS- oh." Uranus stand there when he notice Neptune wearing his usual pom pom beanie and his outside sunny clothes yet blue.

"Why do you always wear that beanie everyday, mate? I just notice it." He slowly went towards him.

"Welll, it's comfy! Now where are we going?" Neptune answered slight briefly then asked.

"To the usual Sun's picnic every Sunday." Uranus could have crossed his arms but can't since the other left arm had to held the crutch to support his disabled leg.

"There's two Suns?" Neptune gasp.

"No, mate! It's Sun, Helios, our very tall bright friend that Saturn sometimes call him." Uranus corrected him before grabbing Neptune's arm with his right hand.

"Beside Jupiter is coming to pick us up. So the both of us had to wait," he also added.

"What about your leg? You complained that you don't want to stand for a few hours or minutes thanks to your left leg," Neptune mentioned, Uranus is a bit surprised he remember that.

"Well, I can handle it when it's important, ofcourse." Uranus answered, then smiled a bit.

A few minutes passed then Uranus huffed until he notice Jupiter's car coming closer soon.

Before It arrived Uranus breathe in and out.

"Promise me, Nep, that you won't embarrass me in front of everyone right?"

"Sure, I promise!"


Uhh yeah that's just a test this chapter took half of my life out/j

Oh I didn't rereading on this chapter. So probably expect a misgrammar💀


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