Planet X visits and some stuff.

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So uh..i got this idea long ago. LIKE I feel if Uranus found out his old rejected cousin, Planet X or Hades, knows how to paint or draw better then him he either be proud of him or be HELLA jealous.

Cause..uhm Urano insecure due to non socializing life🤯🤯🤯🤯/hi
Also I didn't check for spelling mistakes bye💀

Uranus took his painting supplies and started painting privately. He's in an happy mood ever since his old friend, Hades, is coming back and that his art block is finally gone.

He's just so excited to see him visit. He just hope he doesn't come back here to punch Jupiter and Saturn in the face and leave then to have a family reunion with Neptune.

Uranus then finished a few final touches then rest. He continued staring at his painting with proudness.

"Well, finally I actually like this painting ive made instead of insulting myself!" Uranus said, looking at the painting of his.

"Hey, Uranus!" Neptune waved.

He heard the voice and turned to see Neptune, in a very happier mood then before.

"Hey, so what is it, mate? What got you smiling like that?" Uranus greeted, he noticed his cousin figure smile, that looked like he's excited.

"I've met an old friend!"

"Old friend?"

Uranus thought it might be Hades, but it's too good to be true.

Or so he thought.

Neptune turned his back from Uranus and calmly assure them.

"Cmon, now! Are you afraid?"

"Am not afraid, Just..nervous." They say.

Uranus recognize that voice.

Hades slowly showed his appearance then wave a little.

"Long time no see, Uranus-"

Uranus eyes widen. He looked up and down, he changed but his color is still there.

"Oh Hades, Your back!" Uranus grinned and immediately went towards him with Neptune.

"How are you, mate? Was that boundary outside of the solar system too cold?" He asked, though he had many questions for him.

"Kinda, but I managed to get used to it." Hades crossed his arms, responding to every question by Uranus, quickly.

Then Neptune stared at him. He recognised him immediately ever since he saw him, He never forgets what he cared about too.

"Am just so glad your back!" Neptune hugged him immediately. He decided to bring Uranus into the hug.

Hades though, didn't mind. He's just glad to see his old close friends.

"Your accent is a bit thicker then usual." Hades smiled at Uranus, who's raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, yeah, I've grew and my accent is a bit weird." Uranus answered as he crossed his arm.

But hey? Your back and that all it matters, right?" Uranus added and grinned.

"Yeah, like you look wayy calmer then before." Neptune giggled then continue staring at his old friend.

"..calmer? Huh," Hades thought about it then shrugged.

Then Uranus Accidentally mentioned the Gas Giants.
"So what about Jupiter and Saturn-"

"OH...Them?" Hades furrowed his eyebrow, it seemed It's like a trigger to him.

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