aftermath Mercurys leg

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Scratch that there is a part. AND THAT'S IT😡


Mercury had a bandaged cast on his left leg and was sitting on the couch, watching Jupiter, Saturn, and everyone else talk. (The sun ain't here but he's coming soon😈)

"So, how did Mercury break his leg?" Earth asked with a hint of concern in his voice.

"I fell down the stairs," Mercury replied, carefully adjusting his position on the couch.

"Aww, you poor thing," Saturn sympathized, and Pat Mercury's head gently.

Jupiter was going to say something but cut off as soon the Sun came in running.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" The Sun exclaimed, then goes to Mercury immediately.

Oof, Mercury hoped he won't freak out.

Guess what? He did.

"MERCURY WHAT IN THE UNIVERSE HAPPENED TO YOU?" The Sun exclaimed,worrying a lot and asking questions to his best friend, Mercury.

Don't worry, Sun! I am fine. I just fell down the stairs by accident-"


"WAIT, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, OKAY?!" Mercury corrected immediately, before the Sun solar flares everyone.

"I fell down the stairs because I wasn't looking where I was going," Mercury explained. He didn't want to add the part where Venus called him to go down the stairs. He probably thinks the Sun will solar flares Venus for nothing.

"Hm, " the Sun made a 'hmp' sound, not knowing what to say.

"Well, the good thing is that Mercury's leg is doing well..for a few weeks?" Jupiter paused to think.

"Maybe 6 or 8 weeks, perhaps." Jupiter shrugs.

"6 or 8 weeks?! Are you saying I have to continue my life with a wheel chair or crutches?!" Mercury was surprised, but why is he surprised? His leg became incomplete or Minor fractured.
(Am trying my best to do researches and all. Recorrect me if am wrong cause am stupid on this😭)

Jupiter gritted his teeth and put his hand on his neck.
"Well, yeah we have no choice." Jupiter replied.

Mercury sigh and lay back on the couch.

"I just hope all of this is over." Mercury said.
Until the Sun hugged Mercury, who's surprised and felt like he's burning again. (HEAD CANON the Sun's skin can be very hot like..cause he's the sun? Even in humanization lmao)

Okay, Sun. That's enough. He has to rest," Jupiter stated as he helped Mercury up to go upstairs. He definitely needs to carry Mercury first because Mercury doesn't have any crutches or wheelchairs yet to support his leg. He'll get them tomorrow though.

"Get, well Mercury!" Earth waved still had his face with concern.

"Pssh, Mars" Earth then went to Mars and whispered to him, who's quiet randomly because he didn't want to intervene.

"Um, yeah, Earth?" Mars looked at him.

"Do you think, Mercury will get used to it?"

"I don't know, but probably he will. Maybe, after 1 week or 2?" Mars shrugged.

After a few minutes Mercury manages to get on his bed carefully with his cast on with the help of Jupiter.

"You have to rest, Mercury. You'll get your crutches tomorrow." Jupiter said, acting like a dad.

"Alright, Jupiter..." Mercury quietly say, then lie down on the bed a bit cautiously because his leg still hurt like crazy but not THAT painful like before.

"It's afternoon, so probably Saturn will get you some food and we will probably help you or maybe even take care of you because of your leg..." Jupiter replied, with a bit of a concerned tone.

"And also-"

"Don't worry, Jupiter" Mercury quickly assured him, so he won't get too worried.

"I'll be fine." Mercury smiled.

"Oh, yeah sure.." Jupiter grinned at Mercury nervously.

"I just hope it will heal a bit faster.." Jupiter quietly said.

"Welp, I gotta go now. See you later, Mercury." Jupiter slowly opened the door and slowly closed it.

"Yeah ofcourse, Bye!" Mercury waved a little. Then get his blanket and tuck himself in. He can still feel his leg hurting a bit.


Head canon in humanization Jupiter is a dad LMAO. But Saturn is usually the one who's the most worried one but I think Jupiter will be too just a bit because he needs to take this maturely...yeah, sorry if it's kinda rush too I still have no time. I hope I don't get author curse though💀

Also bonus:
The Sun freaked out and think of what to do to help mercury too.



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