no regrets(Hades/Nibiru times)

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I gotta take a break from writing tbh.
Later soon because.. BRO WHY AM I JUST SEEING MY FAVORITE AND FIRST SOLARBALLS CONTENT CREATORS ON THIS FANDOM TURNING TOXIC? or I just seen their true selves being toxic💀 I need to rest from this fandom. It's overwhelming me bruh.

Oh and ignore that! Here's this new fanfic I made😍(I really tried to ignore dramas..)

Planet in their bouncy balls.

In ancient times before the Sun is balanced yellow. The Sun is still growing, kinda small, and orangish red.

Theia was still alive(or not)back then and Hades or Nibiru(we'll just call him Hades tbh) is still in the solar system.


Hades was bad talking about Jupiter to himself. He hated him so much that
He has 500 pages about him. Of how bad he is. (Literally)

He talks about how Jupiter and Saturn had favorite proto planets. And that Jupiter eats or kills protos that aren't his liking.

Sadly they both got away with it. And Uranus knows about Jupiter's crimes just a little yet didn't hated or disliked both of them that much.

Not even the Sun knows.

Hades kept his usual annoyed expression, except in an angrier manner. As he writes a few papers to relieve himself.

Until he gotten tired of writing.

"Okay am done," Hades tiredly shake his hands then hid the papers away from anyone else. He doesn't want to admit he's scared. Because (proto) Jupiter and (proto) Saturn bullied him usually. For Jupiter though, he bullies him more often then Saturn. But for Saturn he sometimes do that but not really. He only did it just for Jupiter for no reason.

But then Hades orbit started to get wackier. He felled down a bit harsh. As the pressure hurt his ears.

"WHAT THE-" Hades exclaimed, then sigh as he went back up. He doesn't mind his orbit being unstable he just thinks it won't get him in trouble in the future.

But there's one think in mind he thought. He sometimes think that someone is messing his orbit. But too bad..

He doesn't really think much of it. Or don't really care of it at all.


Till sometime orbiting his unstable axis. He bump into A big planet. Then dust came form.

"OUCH! watch it, fatty-" Hades closed his mouth for a minute, looking at Jupiter. His red dark surface and his eyes just intimidate him for a few seconds. Then Hades snapped back into his usual annoyed face.

"What do you want-"

Jupiter cut him off words then teased him.

"Ohh! Hold on now. Exactly my reply, what do you also want?" Jupiter smiled at him with his eyes gazed at his appearance. Ready to bully him at any second.

"That I want to get back to my usual orbiting!" Hades answered him, slightly mad. Then turned his hand to fists.

"Like I said hold ON Now," Jupiter, who is slightly annoyed, protested firstly.

"Your not going anywhere," Jupiter blocked the way where Hades is going.

"First of all. How could you call that orbit of yours stable? It's getting everyone annoyed by that..including me," Jupiter mentioned then crossed his arms.

"...and?" Hades raised an eyebrow, confused of what Jupiter is saying.

"The sun can't really handle your unstableness. And Uranus warned you countless Of times. Don't you think that you should fix it?"

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