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I have to make one my own thanks to the request StarUniverseXD for this!!



the planets are doing their usual routine. Ever since the moon revolution was finally over each of the moons of the planets were doing their normal routine. Except the difference is that each planet were respecting their moons more, thanks to Earth's moon.

Since Earth's moon has been called Luna very often, the dark side of him had been forgotten. Or disappeared. Let's call the emo side of him, dark.


Meanwhile Luna watched over his planet, Earth, who's playing cards as usual with his rocky planet friends. He felt a bit bored on watching so he decided to request of helping him on the cards game.

Then he tapped on Earth's shoulder, raising an eyebrow.

"Hey, Earth, Do you need help on that?" Luna asked him, he whispered so that none of the Rocky planets would hear it and take advantage to win the game.

"Oh, no thanks, Moon, I can handle this. Beside Mars managed to help me on cards," Earth whispered back, accidentally calling his old nickname but Luna didn't care about that. He's used to it.

Earth also felt like he didn't want to make his little brother figure, Luna to feel left out.

"But you can try and join in if you want," Earth finished as he suggest.

"Really!" Luna happily smiled.

"Yeah you can, I can just tell the others that your joining in." Earth smiled at him then turned his back to talk to his rocky friends.

To Luna this is exciting, except he heard a mysterious voice.

"Hey, so now your called Luna now?" Dark said, he had an annoyed tone with a mix of slightly sleepiness. It hinted that he just woken up from a very long nap.

Luna had a surprised face then almost turn his head.

"Uhh, Dark?! I almost forgotten about you-"

Dark cut him off.

"Yeah I know, I just woken up. What did I miss?" Dark crossed his arms, he wanted answers and a bit annoyed that he found out he almost disappeared.

"Well, you missed a lot. You haven't heard any noises me and the others made?" Luna answered he's still surprised and doesn't know how to explain it to him since the drama event was very long.

"Am a deep sleeper, okay! Beside I don't care about anything you say other then of what  I miss." Dark rolled his eyes, his eyes sighing annoyed.

Luna breathe in and out. He look at Earth, who's a bit distracted at talking to his friends.

"Okay, you missed Earth changing-"

Dark cut him off words again.

"What changing? His clothes? Why do I want to hear or see about that," Dark took that literally.

"No! That's not what I meant!" Luna exclaimed. He remembered Dark has been sleeping a lot and seeing his delusional dreams, he had a less social life and he couldn't interact with his own planet.

'Huh hearing my thoughts about him makes me feel bad-' he thought, then he gotten cut off again.

"Heyyy? You there? Why are you so quiet?" Dark raised an eyebrow his literally dark eyes went half shut.

"Okay, I mean he's not egotistical anymore. He changed! He became kind since me and Mercury managed to help him out and taught him values and other things to humble him!" Luna finally explained, he hoped Dark managed to understand.

"So that's it-"

"okay sorry, Luna! I got distracted"
Earth's words made his front moon quiet. He was grinning a bit embarrassed.

"They say they would happily let you join in, Luna! Well, Mars and Mercury are happy but Venus isn't that sure." Earth chuckled quietly. Then turned back to talk if there's any extra cards.

"Yes!" Luna grinned, he felt happier that he's finally being included.

Then he heard Dark's deep sigh.

"Oh..don't worry about that, Dark. I'll explain everything of what happened later to you!" Luna tried to comfort slightly.

But he didn't heard any response from him. That made him raised a brow.


He called then he called again.

"Must be sleeping again for couple more days." Luna assumed,

But the real answer is that Dark had disappeared again. Since Earth kept calling him his real name.

But Luna was distracted and kept playing cards with the others. Then he slowly forgotten about him.


That's it🤷🏽‍♀️

Sorry for not uploading any chapters I feel like I got writers block💀 so I hope this is a good fix...


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