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Requested by HelloIamCalm12

Neptune lastly look at Uranus.

"Stay in your orbit, alright mate?"

Neptune just stand there staring at Uranus far away. Almost half close with the Kuiper belt.

"Stay in my orbit? How long though?" Neptune said then shrugged, he assumed to stay there forever.

"If it makes him happy, okay.." Neptune said to himself, unsure of it.
He doesn't know where his orbit is though. He has spend a lot on Uranus orbit just to spend time with him in his entire life.

Maybe in the kuiper belt?

He finally look at the whole planets, including Uranus then he leaves.


Neptune raised an eyebrow in confusion. His surroundings are a bunch of asteroids.. A lot of them!
He just sigh and sit there doing nothing.

"It's not that bad right?" Neptune said to himself again, in denial. In the inside he's feeling a bit scared that he's all alone. He was never alone before..

Neptunes bored expression turned to a slightly sad type of face.

He missed Uranus.

He missed his moons..

"Wait, my moons?!" Neptune snapped out of his thoughts and looked around to find them. He had been so caught up with his mind about his orbit and other things that he had almost forgotten about them!


After 20 minutes, Neptune just had a full sad look as he realized he's alone.

"I lost my moons! Did I left them somewhere? Or e-even.." Neptune paused.

"Did they leave me?"

He then sit down and think about what's happening.

He felt alone..

So alone.

He kinds forgotten where was he. All he knows is his moons and..


But that memory of Uranus is getting scratchy and blurry inside of Neptune's core brain after one Neptune month.

----few months later----

Neptune was staring into the asteroids not knowing what to do.
He tears up a bit as he closed his eyes feeling tired of doing nothing or thinking about something so hard.


An asteroid bump into Neptune.

Neptune is too caught up with his emotions that he slightly turn his head to look at that asteroid.

"....hi?" He randomly greeted the non-living asteroid.

"......" It said nothing.

"Are you alone too?" Neptune grabbed the asteroid and look at it.

Maybe he could used that as a coping mechanism.

Then Neptune started talking a bit sadly to that asteroid.

But then he randomly felt comforted by it, even though it says nothing.

-----(another many months later)------

"Hey? You've been around here longer then I am?"

He asked the asteroid.


"By the way, do you know how I got here?"
he asked, realizing that he had forgotten how he had ended up in the Kuiper Belt.


Neptune got tired of hearing of it say nothing. He decided to imagine it saying something.

No one knows what he thinks the asteroid is saying to him.

"That's nice! Uh....what should I call you?" Neptune squinted at the asteroid.

"Hmmmmmmmmmmm" Neptune tried thinking.

"Oh! Guillermo? How is that sound?" Neptune waited for his new found friend, Guillermo to answer.


"Neat! Glad you like it, Guillermo! Heheh!" Neptune chuckled feeling a bit weird. He wanted to talk about another topic.

Until Neptune remembered something.

"You know? I am a bit self aware Uranus is annoyed at me whenever I talk to him. He wasn't like that until now." Neptune randomly vented a bit and paused with a happy expression.

"Until he told me to stay in my orbit! So I listen and go back to my orbit which is this one right?" He finally answered.


"Ha! Your funny, Guillermo!" Neptune says.

Neptune then stare at the asteroid and drew a little face on it horribly.

He laughed..

He laughed out loud. It almost sounded like he's going insane a bit.

****(few or many? Neptune years later)*****

Neptune kept on drawing.

Drawing on all of those asteroids around him with his ink of his surface.


"Wow! There's so many people here!" Neptune finally say as he put his hands on his hips.

Neptune's eyes twitched, he turned just to look at  Guillermo.

"Look! We have so many companions!" He randomly showed off like he lost his mind.

He then continued drawing horrible blue faces on a few more asteroids.

As he continued he stopped and smudged on the blue ink of that asteroid he's drawing on.

That look..a little bit like..


Neptunes eyes widen.

He took another blank asteroid the one he has found recently and drew what he remembered in his mind.

"Err..uranus?" Neptune stand there looking at it.


He missed him.

Neptune look around, then he remembered.

Uranus his moons..

What else?

Neptune slowly walk away from the asteroids surroundings.

Then after leaving from that spot he always stayed on he started to feel alone again in the dark.

He always felt this way hasn't he right?

He just left to find something..

Or someone...


Give me constructive criticism AM TRYING SO HARD AT DOING ANGST BUT NOW IT LOOKS LIKE A CRINGE STORY😭😭 you don't know how I kept redoing it. So.. Sorry if it's bad!


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