io wears cheese(halloween special)

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Idk made this for fun but hey!



It was Halloween and every planets did...halloween activities? All of them were wearing costumes even the moons. Jupiter is setting up a full candy baskets for the Rocky planets and his moons too. But the Sun had even more.

Sun needed to give his whole planets their own candies too. He liked the tradition of what Earths earthlings has so he wanted to do his own.

And that's how he added that halloween event before the year came.

"Welp I think that's all set, " Jupiter given the filled candy basket to the Sun for him to keep. So that his own moons even Saturn's to not sneak in and eat the candy.

"I can't wait for all our moons to eat some of these! I also hoped they're grateful for it. Because it's once in a year candy!" Saturn excitedly say and clapped his hands, smiling.

"Mhm, just make sure not to give to last time the uh," Jupiter paused nervously.

"Diabetes incident-"

"Jupiter! Don't remind me that I've learned my mistakes!" Saturn protested, annoyed.

"And thankfully they forgave me so all is well, " Saturn assumed, even though Titan is the one who apologized for the other moon.


Jupiter nodded at Saturn with a unsure expression. Then after sometime they both noticed the Rocky planets doing the pumpkin-carving-on-the-face activity.

"Hey, Mars! I've finished mine, check it out!" Earth grabbed his perfect carving on the pumpkin and showed it to Mars, who's grinning and showing his pumpkin to him.

"Looks, cool dude!" Mars complimented then look at Venus.

"Hey, what about you Venus? Have you finished?" Mars asked him as both Earth and Mars turned their heads to him.

Venus carefully carved it then used then turned on the switch for the inside of the pumpkin go light up. Then he put a orange flowers as a crown.

"Finally, yeah am done" Venus showed it to them, who's jaw-dropping.

Meanwhile, Jupiter and Saturn were watching them the whole time.

"Aw, look how cute they are! This activity that the Sun wanted to do is actually great. It makes all of us get along well!" Saturn say, as he smiled.

"Makes the two of us," Jupiter calmly said then put his hand on Saturn's shoulder.


Okay moons time.


Meanwhile Jupiter's moons have been dressing up due to the Halloween thing. Europa is annoyed, but at least she could dress up something good, she has good taste of fashion and that's one of the things Ganymede loved about her.

"Hey, Europa? You done with dressing up yet?" Ganymede crossed his arms as he raised an eyebrow, smiling. He was wearing a styled wolf costume.

(And I have no idea what to make them wear for the HEADCANON HELPP)

"Yeah, I am. Look what I wore," Europa showed her styled spider dress. To be honest she ate on that costume.

"Look amazing as always, Europa"
Ganymede made a smug look at her and held her hands.

"Thanks, babe. Wait where's Callisto and Io?" Europa mentioned and asked as she put her hand on hips.

"Am here this whole time?" Callisto came in whole crossing her hands.
She was wearing a styled goth witch costume. Unlike some people she did well with the clothes.

"Oh there you are! We can't be late because of this..annoying hollow event or something?" Europa shrugged, she didn't like Halloween event to be honest or even other holidays.

"Yeah, me too! Am only here for the candy," Ganymede say, trying to agree with her girlfriend.

"The candies? Aren't those gave some of Saturn's moons a stomach ache?" Europa mentioned with a disgusted expression.

(That was Hyperion by the way😭 NAHHH)

"Shouldn't we stop talking about that incident? It's already embarrassing enough for him and them," Callisto protested, feeling unsure.

"Cmon, Callisto it's not that much of a big deal!" Europa rolled her eyes.

"Hold on a sec- wait where's Io?" Ganymede finally remembered one person on this friend group.

"Io? Where is he? Io!" Callisto called out.

"I-I-I-IM HERE!" Io came in coughing.

"Really, Io? A cheese costume?" Callisto blinked and side eye to Io.

"H-hey! It's a good one! Jupiter say ANYTHING we can wear right?" Io defended his way of wearing.

"Well am not sure about that,"
Ganymede raised an eyebrow, thinking about how embarrassed he could be.

"It's just weird Io," Ganymede say to him.

"Hey!" Io pouted.

"Maybe I'll pretend he's not with us to avoid embarrassment," Ganymede thought and smiled.

Meanwhile, Europa agreed with Callisto for the first time ever.
"Am with Callisto, are you sure that's a good idea?" Europa asked him with a disgusted look.

"WELL UHM- You guys can't convince me to change! I'll keep it!" Io proudly say.

Callisto blinked a few times then sigh. Guess there's no way changing his mind. Or is it?

"Cmon, Io changed it!" Ganymede felt like pressuring him to changed.

"Hmmmmmmm" Io looked at Ganymede with a hesitant expression.

"Just changed!" Ganymede repeated one last time.


"Hey guys!"

Jupiter came in and look down on his moons then greeted.

"Hey, big guy. What's up?" Ganymede greeted back and look up at him.

"Oh, just reading and watching the others during this event." Jupiter answered, casually.

"So what did you guys dress up as?" He asked.

"I dressed up as a styled wolf!" Ganymede proudly bragged then Europa shut his mouth up to let her answer.

"I dress up as a spider," Europa answered him with her arms crossed.

"A goth witch"


"Well all of you guys look great," Stated Jupiter as he complimented everyone.

"Even you Io. You look.." Jupiter squinted at Io for a few seconds.


Io did a wide grinned at Jupiter and happily jumped.

"See guys! J-j-j-jupiter complimented my costume! So it's definitely good!" Io say.

Ganymede, Europa and Callisto look at Io then to Jupiter with an annoyed look. Then Jupiter looks at them back, confused.

"What? It looks cute."


And then the rest is everyone celebrating halloween HURAYAYYAJXSNCJ anyway I'll try to make more moon fanfics later soon but now I also have a party event in real life.

Also io wearing cheese is now my headcanon


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