Mercury falls down the stairs

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(A poopfic I made this for fun💀)

Humanized! LOL anyway a stupid random plot is in here soo...🤷🏽‍♀️ IT'S RANDOM literally.

There is a big house where all the celestial objects from the solar system live.
Meanwhile, Venus needs to move to a new room because Jupiter's new moons have come in and are living there.

Venus was finding his second box that inside is filled with his few gadgets and decorations. Venus, who is frustrated, is trying to find his second batch of box.
He then sighed and tried to ask Mercury, who is upstairs because he's the first one he needed to ask.

"MERCURY! have you seen the box that is mine and the named on the tape there is called " Decorations"?" Venus dislike Mercury but he's the only one in the 4th floor. (Yeah the house is big LOL)

"Venus-" Mercury got cut off words then Venus heard a loud bang noise.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH😭" Mercury screamed as he fell down the stairs quickly. He's already on the floor after Venus turned.

"You little pipsqueak, HAHAHAHAH!" Venus laughed at Mercury's goofy shouting noise because he didn't noticed Mercuries broken looking 'M' shaped leg. (Looks like his leg is gonna be disabled)

"Mercury?" Venus side eye then walk closer to see wtf is happening.
Venus rolled his eyes when Mercury kept on screaming.

"What is it-" Venus jaw dropped after noticing Mercury's leg.

"MY LEG- AHHHHHHHHH" Mercury kept on shouting.

"MERCURY YOUR LEG-" Venus jaw- drop even more after seeing it. He's horrified.

He doesn't know what to do but call 911 immediately.

***time skip***

Venus then look at Mercury who is groaning in pain, his throat hurt from screaming.
He doesn't want to admit it. But he feels very bad.
"Mercury could you stop moving? You'll make it worser!" Venus warned Mercury.

"Y-yeah! Am TRYING it hurt so bad!" Mercury just look at Venus with a frown.
Venus sigh then think of what else.
"I need to ask others for help-" Venus got cut off words.

"Wait! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE! I can't wait on the floor with a broken Leg!" Mercury pleaded.

"Ugh, fine! But how am I suppose to ask for help!" Venus think then got a little bit good idea.

"Then, You have to be on the couch! But how can you go there if your leg is broken-" Venus just stand there and think and his face is very hesitant.

"What? Let me guess you have to carry me?"

"Actually, yeah." Venus then just grabbed Mercury's arm and dragged him to the hallway then to the couch.

"THIS IS NOT HELPING!" Mercury, who is very annoyed, exclaimed at Venus.

"What do you mean? I am helping you! I just..don't want to carry you in another way." Venus rolled his eyes and manages to put Mercury on the couch.

"You stay there! I'll go ask someone for help before the ambulance arrives!" Venus ran away quickly. He could ask Jupiter or even Saturn..oh, wait! The Sun- no! He'll freak out and think it's his fault or even himself! Well, he could find out sooner..Jupiter is the one who's smart in this household.

Also forget moving in a new room, this one first then after all that stupid drama he could go back redecorating his new moved room.

No aftermath just made for fun, sorry😶


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