Nemesis hang out with Sun

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UHHH haven't made any chapters in a long time and almost quit😭 but I think I wanted to make one for fun. So now this chapter is requested by StarUniverseXD💖 and I've almost changed his personality too.

Sorry it took so long..


In the dark vast of space that has been lighten up by stars. Goes Nemesis that just visited the Sun.

His last encounter a few hours ago was a bit hasty due to the Sun being protective of his planets around any random celestial objects in the universe and coming closer to his solar system.

But a nice talk after that went well, I guess. Since Nemesis is a tiny bit annoying to the Sun. He acts like a teasing twin brother to his younger one that is getting frustrated by his antics.

As Nemesis sat on nothing and just float somehow. His eyes look towards the Sun, who's checking on his planet. He can't help but feel amused by his manic personality. At least he heard of him being a caring star in the inside, If he didn't he will immediately assumed the Sun is a maniac.

Instead of staying quiet that makes the "atmostphere" look boring, Nemesis is first to make a word.

"Soo, you just look around on your planets?" He said, crossing his arms adjusting his positions since Its uncomfortable slightly.

"Yep!" Sun answered without a slight look at him. He was focused on checking his planets to see if they're right in their place.

Nemesis looked at him, feeling bored he stand up walking slightly towards him.

"That's all you do when nobody is talking to you?" Nemesis put his hand on hip staring towards the Sun's eyes.

Sun ignored the question and focus on Nemesis walking towards him.

"HEY! You should stay slightly far from me! Two stars can be too bright and will wake up my planets and see you here including, MERCURY?!" Sun had a slight overreacting tone.

"SO STAY BACK! your in my solar system after all and I don't trust you.." Sun crossed his arms. Also staring back at him but more hasty.

Nemesis raised an eyebrow but he kept his smile since it's amusing to him.

"Jeez, bossy enough." He muttered under his breathe, quietly.

"WHAT?" The Sun exclaimed, gripping his fists getting ready for whatever is coming out of Nemesis' mouth.

"Nothing! Don't assume it, alright?" Nemesis smirked, putting his arm on the Sun's shoulder leaning in.

The Sun turned his eyes at him, not moving one bit. He was analyzing his whole antics. But his pupils were moving a little.

Nemesis grinned, he felt entertained. He always wanted a star friend so that he could annoy him, do stuff, and probably play games.

But for now he just met him and he's hanging out with him for the first time. He's choosing annoying him as an option. But first he'll go and talk about a topic of his planets.

"Hey I know your protective of your planets, but don't get me wrong. I have one of my own too." Nemesis mentioned, furrowing his eyebrow yet kept his smile.

"Mine decided to go off and leave to explore. Well I let them done it. It's not like I'll force them to stay in my gravity." He paused. Crossing his arms before continuing.

"They can do whatever they want and explore. While then I wanted to visit some stars to talk to, and that's what I want, fairly." His explanation confused the other bright and manic star.

"Huh? Ehhhh, that's weird. Why?" Sun asked,concerned and confused.
Never had ever he had allowed anyone to leave his solar system. He finds all his planet family, and he would protect all of them.

And he already learned a lot from his past that he became "slightly" unstable of. So he chose the better option of being strict for the better of his planets being safe.

Nemesis just shushed the Sun from asking more questions, putting a finger on his lip before letting go.

"It's a personal reason. I don't talk or visit to them anymore since...uh they're too far gone and stopped visiting me." There was a slight quiet tone to the last part that something has happened.

"So why did you let them go! I mean you have a lot of opportunity to have a good friendship with them then BEING ALONE?!" Sun questioned with suspicion. Well there's a few excitements in the inside because he felt like teaching another star how to treat planets.

Nemesis half shut his eyes. This is not what he expected. Now he's asking about his past. Well it's his fault for talking about that.

"Like I said I have PERSONAL reason, you brighter star." Nemesis had a slight frustrated tone.

Sun didn't care if Nemesis had a harsh tone. He started looking at him with a smile. He is curious and concerned.

"What about we talk about something else? Like your planets" Nemesis suggested. He felt the whole relationship is turning a switch up on moods.

Beside Nemesis wanted to talk about one. Like Jupiter. He seem calming for a big planet like him. Nemesis wanted to ask the Sun all about his unique planets. Thankfully the Sun knows his planets more then anyone including the planets themselves.

"Hmmm As long as you DON'T and DON'T ever talk to them or even used these informations as a way to..kidnap them don't you?" Sun still accused. He doesn't trust him that much even though he seemed interested.

Nemesis smile slightly, lowering his voice a little.

'Great my mood switch' he thought out of annoyance first before responding.

"Don't worry I won't do that. I don't think I want planets in my orbit anyway." He answered, smiling.

The Sun raised an eyebrow and side-eye at him.

"Uhhh, well OKAY!..Good!" He shrugged, at least he isn't a planetnapper.

As the two talk a lot. Nemesis can't help but look at the Sun's sleeping planets. Somehow they didn't hear them since the Sun had pushed Nemesis to his place slightly further.

But the Sun kept his stay at his spot he suppose to, for the sake of the gravity and for Earth.

Nemesis voice was slightly loud due to him being interested of the whole thing happening.

Sun turned his back to him, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes friendo?" He grinned. He seemed comfortable enough to nickname that.

Nemesis smirked then stand up after sitting on the invisible space floor for too long.

He stretched before asking,

"So how did your planets were made? I think you have a longer history with them then me.."

The Sun was slightly surprised and bit his tongue gently, thinking.



Am done. bYeeeee



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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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