Jupiter apologizes to Hades🤯

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Just a crap post literally🥰🥰🥰


When Jupiter apologizes(HE wasn't scared any more as soon the arguments started to uh.. Calm down)


They were arguing.

Arguing for 1 half hour.

"YOU DID THIS ON PURPOSE DIDN'T YOU?" Hades shouted, feeling his anger rising up more often as Jupiter tries to reason with him.



"look, I understand what I did but we all didn't do it on purpose!"

"That's not an excuse to cover up of how you hurt me! And-and how all of you ABANDONED ME HERE?!"

"...Hades please let me talk this through, "

NO! I HATE YOU!" Hades final words said that as he calmed down a bit, he just stood there.

Jupiter went silent for a minute as he watched Hades wipe his tears away, returning to his usual tired face.

They both stand there staring at each other, yet again, the awkwardness rises to the point that Jupiter has no choice but to talk.

He sighed.

"Hades? Can I talk?"


Jupiter then let himself talk anyway feeling concerned for Hades.

"Am sorry, all of us are..but I won't excused for what I did wrong even if it's an accident, " Jupiter apologized, not knowing what to say.

"But I want to let you know that we all care for you. Even after you got thrown to the kuiper belt I had felt immense guilt for what I have done, " Jupiter started to explain how he felt and tried to assure Hades.

"Immense guilt?" Hades thought of what Jupiter say.

"Saturn was more worried of how your alone all by yourself there and wondering on how you reacted or felt.." Jupiter mentioned.

"Uranus and Neptune were more concerned, but Neptune..." Jupiter paused.

"I can say, back then he had felt more guilty because he can't do anything to help, " Jupiter said, quietly.

Hades stayed quiet for a few seconds then look up at him raising an eyebrow.

"Well, do all of you still remember me?" Hades asked.

Jupiter side eye and gritted his teeth.

"Uhm, Hades? It was like..uh, ancients ago after your incident. But we all have moved on.." Jupiter answered, unsure if he could mentioned that Neptune forgets about him.

Hades stayed quiet then sigh.

"Yeah, I understand.." Hades didn't look at Jupiter.

"Well,and for me I have no excuse. Am sorry for..ruining your life, Hades," Jupiter apologized again.

"Stop! I know what your doing, " Hades exclaimed.

Jupiter raised an eyebrow.


"Look, Just tell me why do you want to meet me? Guilt or something?" Hades asked, feeling unsure of the whole situation.

"Well it's obviously guilt. I can't continue without leaving you to think we all did it on purpose, " Jupiter explained as he answered.

Hades sigh, then thought about the whole conversation.

"He really came here to apologize hasn't he? And trying so hard to show how genuine he is," He quietly said to himself.

"I-...fine, I forgive you, " Hades quietly say.

Jupiter didn't quite heard of what he said.
"What was that?" Jupiter asked, a bit nervous.

"I said I forgive you!" Hades shouted, feeling annoyed.

Jupiter smiles a bit but then went to blank.

"You sure? You don't have to forgive me, " Jupiter assured Hades.

"If you uh, still hate me"

"...no it's..all fine. I just need to move on from the incident okay?" Hades answered, wanting all of this to end already.

Oh phew..okay. You can come and visit, if you want," Jupiter suggests, ignoring whatever about the Sun wanting no planet to be in his orbit.

Hades raised an eyebrow and slowly smiles a bit but then shrug.

"Well are we in good terms now? No more revenge thing?" Jupiter asked him.

"Yeah, for now," He answered, with a smug look.

Jupiter rolled his eyes, at least Hades is calm again yet he's slightly back to his old self then from his insane one.

"Is there anything else I can make it up to you?" Jupiter asking for suggestions.

"Hmmmmm, "

Hades then slapped Jupiter so hard he had a red hand mark on his cheek.

"I always wanted to do that, since I got stucked in the kuiper belt!" Hades laughed at his joke.


Sorry y'all it was kinda out of character a bit or looked rush but am busy doing SCHOOL stuff😭

Anyway! Just a quick chapter.


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