Deimos weird ass fanfics

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I GOT A NEW HEAD CANON FOR DEIMOS😍 I think I got inspired by it on Tumblr and on tiktok too about Deimos making weird fanfictions and shipping other celestial objects then Phobos getting weirded out by Deimos lmao(Kinda tiny bit out of character does it? But I think it's semi canon of Deimos doing ships lol)

Deimos was sleeping next to Phobos, resting his head against Phobos' head.

Deimos woke up first as Mars was making too much noise while Earth played dodgeball with an asteroid or something. He then sigh and rolled his eyes, pouting and feeling bored.

He then got another idea of making another weird fanfic of Titan x Titania again.
He get his orange notebook, it's cover is called "Titan x Titania fanfics" to be honest he has more notebooks with other different ships.

(Damn Deimos)

Deimos then continued writing it and finishing the pages. (BLUES WRITING FAST) he probably was giggling and kicking his feet.

Then Phobos woke up after the asteroids breaking noises. Mars and Earth Accidentally broke it.

Phobos doesn't give a single crap about them playing he then notice Deimos writing something, he gotten curious.

"Hey, Deimos! What are you doing?" Phobos asked him.

"Am writing another Titan x Titania fanfic!" Deimos answered him, who's raising an eyebrow and feels a bit annoyed.

"Really? Another one?" Phobos rolled his eyes but he still feels curious of what Deimos written on his fanfic notebook.

Yeah, another one!" Deimos happily continued writing his fanfic.

"Well, uh, can I see?" Phobos asked nervously.

"Hmm, sure! Just don't show it to anyone except Mars and Titan!" Deimos nodded his head but also warned him not to tell.

"Yeah, yeah, I wouldn't. Let me see!"

Deimos gave the notebook to Phobos, who opened it slowly.

Phobos grinned at it. It was a good start, of course. After a few minutes of reading it, he slowly turned his grin into a frown. It started to get even weirder even Phobos was side-eyeing Deimos.

Then another few minutes of Phobos just surviving the whole words on that fanfic Deimos made, Phobos face turned a bit disgusted and scared.

"PHOBOS, THIS IS WEIRD.." Phobos anxiously say to Deimos, who's giving a silly face not caring at all.


"Well, if you don't like it that much just give it back to me then! Am not finished making it." Deimos answered him, disappointedly.

Phobos slowly turned to him, still in disgust and feeling a bit scared.

"Fine!" Phobos thrown the notebook to Deimos, who is now happily continuing the fanfic of that notebook.

Meanwhile, Phobos think of snitching that to Mars. He could like stop Deimos from writing another one. But wouldn't that ruin his fun?

Phobos shrugged, Deimos did say to show it to Mars-

Phobos snapped out of that thought as Mars came in after playing with Earth. Mars eyes looked at his moons.

"Hey, there you 2!" Mars waved, putting a finger for Deimos to hold on.

"HELLO, MARS!" Phobos and Deimos say insync.

"Hey, Mars! I always wanted to show you what I've been working on!" Deimos say and slowly showed his notebook and it's cover.

"Wow, you made a little story there, Deimos?" Mars raised an eyebrow smiling as he asked that.

"It's a fanfic! And yeah I made one! You can read it if you want, " Deimos answered him, excitedly. Meanwhile with Phobos feeling nervous about that idea.

"A fanfic? Well sure, i'll read ya little fanfic, " Mars then gently grabbed the orange notebook that Deimos gave him.

"Titan x..Titania?" Mars raised an eyebrow at that cover.

"kinda weird...but Deimos say he always wanted to show me this. Guess I have to be very nice about it." Mars thought to himself. He then started reading it out loud. Like Phobos who read it, it was a good start.

"Hey, your good at writing this, Deimos, " Mars did a little compliment for Deimos fanfic.

"Yay, thanks!"
After a few minutes Mars slowly raised an eyebrow when the words on the pages started to get weird.

"Uhhm" Mars doesn't know if he could say it out loud for them but he just did it anyway for Deimos.

Phobos is getting scared and disgusted and meanwhile with Deimos is just happily smiling at Mars.

"And then he-" Mars read the words of the pages then paused because the words are kinda..weird.
Mars just slowly look at Deimos then to Phobos and goes back to reading it feeling nervous.

After another few minutes of Mars who's getting tortured in the inside of these weird words and topic in that fanfic notebook.  He then slowly gets even more disgusted.

"How did Deimos know all that? Wait.. WHO TEACH HIM THAT TOO? Did he know these all this time?" Mars think to himself feeling a bit concerned. After another few minutes of reading it OUT LOUD.. Mars finally finished reading Titan x Titania weird fanfics notebook that Deimos made.

"Uhhhhhhhh," that's the only thing Mars can say. He can't think of what to say anything else after that.

"Well? Is it good?" Deimos look at Mars expecting him to be nice. Well he will be nice.

"Shut up, Deimos!" Phobos said, feeling annoyed.

"..y-yeah it-its good, " Mars stuttered a bit and lied that it's good. Well the book is well written but it's just..weird.

"Thank you, Mars! You see that Phobos? He likes it!" Deimos happily grinned at Phobos, who's just staring at him with a what-the-fudge-face.

"Soo, uhm, who taught you this?"

"Taught? I found out about it myself! I think it's one of those..earthlings thing!"

Wait what?

"Yikes..." Mars winced.

"Mars! Could you take away Deimos pencil? I don't want him to do that again!" Phobos suggest.


"awww, Phobos! Don't!" Phobos and Deimos had a tiny argument.
Mars is just standing there not knowing what to do.

It's rush and also am still thinking of more ideas other then ships😭


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