Neptunes bestie(planet x or Hades)

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Hey y'all I got art block and writers block tbh now I can't even write easily or maybe because am tired and exhausted😭 ANYWAY HERE'S A QUICK little short chapter and then I'll be going to rest. Lol

Humanized btw

Back then at ancient times, before Theias' death. The Sun wasn't a balanced star yet. It was his first time dealing with his 9 planets and the only first thing he'll let them do is go off their orbit, thinking nothing will go wrong. (💀)

That was when all planets had their personality differences before.


Uranus look at his new notebook and jaw drop a bit.

"I could use this to write about my life!" Young Uranus giggled at that thought. He always wanted to be an artist so maybe he'll write about that on his diary. Talking about his feelings on it could make him feel better.

"Heya Uranio!" Neptune chuckled at his joke and look at Uranus as he float by to him.

"First of all its Uranus and yeah hello," Uranus waved at him, a bit annoyed.

"What's that you got there?" Neptune leaned in and gazed at Uranus confident brown notebook that is his diary now.

"It's diary and nothing!" Uranus take his diary away and put in his surface back pack or something.

"Diaries are personal right? I definitely have personal thoughts and secrets.." Uranus thought to himself.

"Aw, why can't I seee?" Neptune squinted at him feeling annoyed.

"Because it's b-boundaries is that what it's called?" Uranus answered him with a slight confusion.

"Whatever! I'll go hang out with Hades! See ya!" Neptune hugged Uranus, who's hugging him back too.


Hades gazed at Jupiter for few minutes, his thoughts we're about him and his wrong doings..

He killed a few proto planets,
Eat some too, and probably caused the death of Theia.

(I forgot ancient jupi crimes bruh😭)

"Am probably next of his victims..even Saturn too!" Hades blamed then crossed his arms as his rolled his eyes.

"Due to my unsteady orbit- ugh! That fatty," Hades can't help but just talk bad about them.

"probably Jupiter is fat due to him eating all those poor young proto planets-"suddenly, He gotten cut off words as Neptune came in and shouted of a greeting.

"HEYA HADESS!" Neptune waved excitedly.

"Oh, hi?" He greeted back, feeling awkward.

"Gotta mention, we both had matching beanies!" Stated Neptune, randomly.

Hades looked at him raising an eyebrow.

"Uhm, maybe? But probably because both of us are blue-" He gotten cut off words again, making him feel slightly annoyed.

"Nah, your darker blue, Cousin," Neptune corrected him then laughed.

"Annoying.." Hades rolled his eyes and smiled a bit.

"Anyway, what are you doing?" Neptune asked him feeling a bit bored.

"Looking at Jupiter, you know how I hated that guy even when I first known him," Hades crossed his arms.

"You hateee him? Why? He ain't that bad-"

"Ain't that bad?!" Hades cut him off as he exclaimed out of annoyance and anger. Talking about Jupiter makes him angry, randomly.

"He committed several crimes here! And he keeps getting away with it! I-i just..I-" He then sigh and looked at Jupiter, thinking he heard that.

Out of relief he didn't then Hades went back to looking at Neptune, who's putting his finger on his chin.

"Okay what are you thinking about now?" Hades asked, raising an eyebrow yet furrowing it.

"Hmmmmm, well if he commit several bad crimes he can change!" Neptune "stupidly" say.

"WHAT. How that guy going to change? He's probably going to be a menace in the future..." Hades answered him, disagreeing and misunderstanding things.

"He'll never change,"

"Maybe he will! Just don't assume what the future is going to make him do okay, cousin?" Neptune nudges him, smiling as always.

"I can see it in his face! He's redeemable," Neptune blinked and smiled at him.

"Yeah he's "redeemable" and his mouth and gravity he's going to use to kill more planets!" Hades sarcastically answered him then stomped his feet.

Damn Hades really hate that guy that much.

"Oh cmon! Don't be such a downer! Saturn said he's going to change him!" Neptune mentioned as he crossed his arms looking at Hades reaction, who's surprised.


Then he let out a cackle or a loud laugh.

"HAHAHAHAHA! He's going to change him? I don't understand what he sees in that evil planet," Hades then chuckled a few times.

"Beside I have a suspicious feeling about Saturn, maybe he helped him do something wrong too!" He assumed, probably joking in the inside.

"no wonder why he befriended him," Hades then looked at Saturn and Jupiter chatting, with his usual annoyed and suspicious face.

Neptune looked at him with an confusion expression.

"Well, okay? Hate all you want. Just you know it's a bad thing," Neptune says then nudges him again.

"Don't care, Neptune. Some people helds grudges for a reason.." Hades sigh and looked at him back.

"If you hate those guys so much why don't you continue chatting with me and Uranus instead! You should hang out with people you like not hate!" Neptune suggested with a good reason.

"Ugh, fine. I'll hang out with you guys-WOAH" Hades was about to agree but he fell so hard his head hurts.

"Oo! You okay, Hades?" Neptune gave out his hand to help.

"Am fine!" He assured him then take Neptunes hand for support then stand up.

"Probably my unsteady orbit..I hope it doesn't cause too much damaged," Hades explained why and put his hand on his left arm.

(Foreshadowing LOL😈)

"Nah, it won't cause any damage rightt? All you have to do is listen to what Uranus said!" Neptune answered him, obliviously.

"Ahem, "stay put and used your gravity to help with your orbit" like he said!" Neptune giggled meanwhile Hades find that as an unhelpful suggestion.

"Uhuh, yeah right." He rolled his eyes then float with Neptune, going to visit Uranus orbit.

"Sooo how are ya?"

"Fine, I guess. I just felt comfortable around you and Uranus, alright?

Makes me feel at home in this dangerous system.."


Damn Planet x/nine..womp womp.

LMAO this is after Theias death.
And I put a few headcanons of Planet nine or X already in story version!

Let's just call him Hades for now.

HOPE YALL LIKE IT. last chapter was a flop😞 sad rn(just kidding I appreciate that some of you still read it AM FREAKING GRATEFUL)


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