netpune befriended Iris the end

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I have an AU in my mind where Neptune befriended the Iris by accident, who were going to destroy the solar system and colonize Earth.

HEHEHHEHEHEHEHE Random post I think am off from my art block.. I think🤷🏽‍♀️
Humanized humanized REMEMBER THAT
(Sorry if it's out of character! I tried puting it in character but hey at least more GHE collab with solarballs!)

The Iris brushed his dark orange colored suit and scanned the solar system. He was closed to the kuiper belt and thinking about something in his mind almost like planning something.

"Is that who I think it is?" The Iris noticed a blue looking planet.

Meanwhile Neptune was repainting the face of his asteroid friend, Guillermo. Because it look like it's drying off.

As Neptune stole one of Uranus blue paints obliviously without permission he then grabbed the asteroid and started repainting the face again.
He was humming a random song he made up and started to splatter blue paint on his face, yet he didn't care and continued drawing on the asteroids front for Guillermo.

The Iris slowly walk behind Neptune who is very oblivious of what's about to happen.

"Hmmhmmmhmm" Neptune hummed horribly, until he notice a presence behind him.

The Iris was going to mutate till...

A little blue paint splattered on his cheek.

"Huh?" The Iris stayed quiet processing what's happening.

"Woops! Am sorry- woah!" Neptune cut his own words off as soon he noticed the Iris.

Hey there! Are you a new planet?" Neptune asked, greeting the creepy, cryptic, dark-orange planet.

"...." Iris stayed quiet, he's still processing of what is this sticky blue liquid on his right face.

"Oh! Sorry for splattering paint on your cheek!" Neptune chuckled.

The Iris raised an eyebrow and slowly look at him.

"What are you doing anyway-"

"Enough," said the Iris, furrowing his eyebrow and tried to wipe the blue paint on his cheek with his sharp finger, but it smudged and still startled the creepy planet.

This is all new to him. And he hates dirty so called paint on his face.

"Here let me help you, new planet!" Neptune randomly take a towel in his pocket and wipe of the paint on the Iris cheek.

(Not a pair. THAT'S DISGUSTING..)

The Iris side eye then raised an eyebrow. He wanted to ask instead of staying silent.

"Why are you helping me?"

"Because...your having a hard time getting rid of the little paint on your cheek and started to overreact a little bit, " Neptune explained as he threw the towel and it floated away.

The Iris raised an eyebrow more and squinted at this weird, jelly looking, and blue planet. Beside he's thinking about what Neptune said.

"Over reacting? Is he insulting me?" The Iris thought about it and started thinking till he snap out of it.

"That doesn't matter. Focus on your goal." The Iris thought that to himself.

"Hey! We didn't introduce both of our names! My name is Neptune and this is Guillermo!" Neptune finally greeted then showed his asteroid-imaginary- friend-rock.

"....Iris." He doesn't know why he greeted.

"Nice to meet you Iris! What a weird yet cool name!" Neptune randomly complimented it.

The Iris still stared at him creepily.

"Hey, mate- What the bloody heck?!" Uranus for startled as soon as he notice the Iris is right beside Neptune.

"Heya, Uranus! Look at my new friend, Iris!" Neptune waved and pointed at the Iris.

"Friend? Is that what he thinks? How funny.." The Iris thought and side eye.

"Wh-what? Uh.." Uranus look at the Iris scanning him or something.

"He's kinda creepy..uh." Uranus whispered to himself quietly. He didn't want to be rude.

"Well, um nice to meet you, Iris. Hey? Are you a new planet?" Uranus finally asked, curiously.

"Am-" the Iris got his words cut off by Neptune.

"Am sure he's a new planet! He looks confused as he's here! Is he?" Neptune nudges the Iris, who's processing what's happening.
Uranus turned his head to Neptune confused.

The Iris think to himself,

"First he thinks we are friends, second he thinks am a new planet, thirdly he's acting all nice towards me. stupid." He thought.

"But..this seemed easy..."
"Well are you?" Uranus turned his head back to the Iris.

"No, no am not. Am just a..visitor," The Iris pretended to act all nice.

"Oh so your not a new planet? Just a..visitor?" Neptune gasp.

"Woah, Uranus! We have a visitor!"
Neptune exclaimed, enthusiastic.

But Uranus isn't paying attention to Neptune. He's squinting and acting suspicious at the Iris.

But the Iris knows Uranus is suspicious.. This just gave him a plan.

"Alright..? Nice to meet you, mate. Am Uranus." Uranus stopped squinting and started greeting the cryptic planet. He doesn't want to act rude by being suspicious at him.

The Iris did a little nod at him.

"Am so glad we have a new friend!" Neptune exclaimed yet again, feeling happy.

Then the Iris started thinking.

They all think he's just a visitor and here to check out the solar system without paying attention or asking why is he here for.

So easy...

He could play along,
Maybe for Neptune.

For now.

To be honest i'll always think the Iris is evil🤷🏽‍♀️ so yeah maybe this is an alternate timeline where the Iris pretends. Not just an au where Neptune befriended him.
Anyway! I still have ideas I already got out of writers block so hope y'all like it!
Also I think I've been a bit out of character for this right? Sorry if it looks rush HEODKODB


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