cards helping(Earth x Mars)

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FINE i undrafted this secret ship story that I hide from yall(sorry I was too chicken to post my ugly ship fanfic)
(Just a scenerio also they're already or started dating for 2 weeks now.)

Humanized btw


Earth was not doing anything in his orbit, but then he grabbed his poker cards out of his pocket. He was feeling rather bored after the moon revolution, apologizing, and giving a nice speech to Titan all of which it gone well after. And after Earth and Mars finally become friends again they started working out the friendship thing to a close bond.

(Yeah even Venus too but Earth and Mars are closer because...BestFriendS🤭)

And then here they are, dating..

It's been 2 weeks

Earth wasn't expecting that but..he kinda liked this type of time.

He got a partner, and it's his best friend who turned to be his lover.(man this is cringe😭/dies)

Earth was still thinking about it. He has been thinking other things but most importantly, Mars and his romantic relationship with him.

Until, Earth felt a tap on his shoulder.
His thoughts were gone and he turned just to see Mars.

"Hey, Earth! Soo, I've notice you look kinda bored." Mars chuckled and look at him lovingly.

"And your just staring at your poker cards-" Mars mentioned then got cut off words by Earth.

"o-oh yeah sorry. I just didn't know what to do after.. All that was over, " Earth finally replied.

"Well, if your bored we cards?" Mars suggested still smiling at him.

Earth smiles back then nodded.
"Sure! It's been long since Ive played cards with you.." Earth softly say then took his cards and sit down.

Then they started playing pokers.

After 12 minutes Earth, who has a blank expression(that is secretly frustrated in the inside) noticed he's going to lose, again. (I love this headcanon)
This has been happening a lot and Earth is a bit used to losing on these cards games but he's been losing for a long time and that's enough.

Earth then sigh and decided to stop thinking and looking at his cards and just look at Mars for a second.

Then Earth think something else randomly.
Huh..sure Mars is kind and all. But he's also loyal to him even if they weren't friends back then..

Earth, think back to two weeks ago and reflect on how Mars has been treating him.

He's been treating him nicely, as usual, but in a romantic way. He's also understanding and a good listener. Maybe he isn't too bad at this romantic relationship thingy. He's a good partner.

Earth is also trying to be a good partner back too. He's been good to him after all that egotistical things he's been before.. Wait! Scratch that he should forget about his old self.

Though Mars is kinda cute to Earth's eyes. His personality just makes him even more better.

Earth blushed a bit after 12 seconds of staring at him and all that he's been thinking. (LMAO) he then look back at his cards.

Mars noticed Earth is taking so long to go for his turn so he then mentioned about that.

"Hey, Earth? It's your turn." Mars stated to him.

"Yeah I know, sorry. I've just been thinking.." Earth paused and look at Mars, who's raising an eyebrow.

"Thinking about how I kept losing in this game of poker!" Earth exclaimed, except that wasn't the only thing on his mind. He felt too embarrassed to talk about the other stuff on his mind with Mars. He knew it was important to open up, but maybe he would do so later.

"Oh! Uh, no Offense but maybe your a bit bad at this.." Mars nervously chuckled, but before Earth could say anything Mars just goes close to him and put his hand on his shoulder.

"I can help you with the game. Maybe even show you tips and some technic." Mars suggest and his face is a bit close to Earth.

Earth blushed again and not small like before but he just smiles back.

"Really? You do that? Well I could used some help so I won't loser over and over again." Earth chuckled at losing games last time. Maybe it's time to know a few knowledge at pokers so he won't lose billions of times.

So there they go. Mars and Earth paused of continuing the game and Mars started teaching Earth.

After Sometime of learning how to do game, Earth and Mars restart the game of cards or poker and stuff.

And then sometime Earth manages to win, ONCE.

"Woah! Finally maybe learning a few things from this game did help me! Why didn't I learn this way before?" Earth chuckled and grinning a lot after winning once.

"Congrats, Earth. You did it." Mars nudge him gently and then..he kissed on his cheek.

Earth blush a bit but probably he shouldn't be surprised. They're in a romantic relationship after all.

But also since 2 weeks of dating their relationship looks A BIT platonic, so finally a bit of romantic affections could make Earth go a bit closer to Mars.

Earth and Mars continue playing cards maybe their relationship could to even further and closer in their future, hopefully. (They will😡)

(I have more marth ideas in my drafts but am keeping its kinda...weird and some are wholesome but I need to post other scenario fanfics then ships so...ships later other stuff first.)

Hope y'all like this cringy fanfic I tried.


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