Sun's Nemesis

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Uh new chapter and a new idea AGAIN BY MY FIRST EVER READER



Nvm Nemesis used He/it pronouns btw LOL I LOVE SUN AND NEMESIS.

Nemesis also finds Sun as a brother anyway..


Sun was sitting still watching his planets stay in their orbit. The usual as always, check on your planets, talk to some of them even Mercury, then continue checking up on them.

Well, he is happy that they're finally listening to the rule he made. He now thought that no problem will ever happen again!

The Sun put his hand on his hips then grinned at Mercury, who's a bit of a downer due to Venus coming back to his usual orbit and tease him as usual.

But the Sun wanted to cheer him up, so he nudges him gently with his finger and greeted.

"HEYA, MERCURY!" He waved excitedly.

"Yeah hey, Sun." Mercury replied, dryly.

Sun frowned and raised an eyebrow
but then he smiled again.

"What's going on, Mercury? are you bored? Do you want me to tell ya sun puns!" He asked a few questions out of excitement.

Mercury sigh and nod just a little. Though, he isn't in the mood to talk right now. He realized one thing that Venus called him,

A star's pet...

He managed to defend himself by that, He's already aware. As Sun continued his sun puns joke, Mercury listened in attentively. He was so bored he doesn't care about those sun puns and just wanted to sit still and listen for no reason.

Till a few hours of talking to the Sun with boredom. He felt a bit sleepy..

"Okayy, so all of you are going to sleep now?" Sun noticed, everyone of his planets are going to take a nap.

Including, Mercury. They're all napping and sitting still in their orbit With no changes at all.

That made the Sun felt lonely. No one is talking to him.

But at least they're safe, thats what matters to the Sun.


"WASSUP, BRO" a red, dark, yet lightened star came in.

Sun is surprised, he didn't know there was another star that managed to meet him up close.

But for Sun, he thinks that new found neighbor is a threat.

"WHO ARE YOUUU!?" Sun pointed, he was about to solar flare the star's eyeballs.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Calm down, I mean no harm." The red star, who's a bit like him, defended himself.

"Am Nemesis, your evil twin!" Nemesis put his hand on his hips, smirking.

"What." Sun just stared at him, blankly.

"Y'know Ive heard about you and your perfect life planet, Earth!" Nemesis continued.

"Am just going to late congratulate you for having a planet that's sooo, special!" Nemesis nudges the confused

"Uh, thanks? But what are you actually here for!" Sun switched his confused expression to a protective one.

"To meet you? Y'know I've learned a bit more of your special planet..and Ive heard that am a tiny bit like you," it explained.

"I don't get why they call me Nemesis, but probably because AM your evil twin they say," Nemesis crossed his arms, a bit annoyed yet he doesn't mind that much.

Sun stand there, confused.

"Uhh, is this an earthling thing?" Sun questioned it.

The Sun continued,
"But that doesn't matter! So your here to meet me? Are you saying we are brothers? We're not even related-"

"Brothers we are called, by your special planet's Earthlings!" Nemesis corrected just a bit.

"So I AM your evil twin brother," Nemesis smirked.

Sun raised an eyebrow. "Evil" twin ey? He thinks that's enough as a threat.

"So what are you going to do? Kidnap my planets because you got none?" Sun assumed.

Nemesis side eye to the Sun.

" But if you want me to okay-" he got cut off words when Sun shouted at him.


"Woah, like chill! Seriously what's up with you?" Nemesis wrap his arm around the Sun's neck.

"Y'Know you look like you got issues..say how about we just talk this out like normal siblings will do, alright?" Nemesis suggest then got his hand slapped by the Sun, who's still mad at him.

"Jeez, rude." He sighed.

"Just calm down, y'know you haven't seen a single star up close right?" Nemesis stated.

The balanced yellow Star switched his mood to a intrigued one.
"No? Haven't seen one in a very longgg time! The only thing I've seen are my first planets billions of years ago," Sun remembered that time, he loved that time so much.

"But have you felt lonely sitting there with no star companion to help you?" Nemesis gestured it.

Sun raised an eyebrow and put his hand on his arm, rubbing it.

"Well, kinda. But it's too late to have a star companion now! I have a balanced system and one rule that will keep it balanced!" He answered, a bit briefly.

He was having an conversation with Nemesis and quickly forget the whole threat thing.

I mean Nemesis looked chill.

"Sooo? You fine having me with ya?" Nemesis is excited to talk to his 'evil' twin that is so called by earthlings.

Sun side-eyed then shrugged.

"Okayyy, but not for long. I have planets to check up on and they are going to wake up soon. So you should leave if they are!" Sun explained, hardening his voice at him to make it clear.

He doesn't want to scare his planets with that big, red, and firing ball that is talking to him. Well, he assumed that.

"Cool, dude! So we are in good terms now right?" He responded.

"Yeah, right.."


"Okay, now what do you want to talk about next? I heard you like to do puns!" Nemesis grinned at him, trying to hype him up.

"I only do those puns so I could entertain my planets without looking like a boring and threatening star," Sun did a quiet 'hmp' sound as he explained briefly.

"But okay, I could tell ya more about me!" Sun happily nodded.

They've had a good chat.

Hope nothing goes wrong for another red firing ball in the solar system.


That's all I got😭 sorry if it isn't that good but I have plans with the others too! THE MOONS💥

Anyway uhhh if you saw any spelling mistakes i'll try and fix them. I was in a hurry in the last chapter..


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